01.11.2017 | The new Axpo trainees in an interview

Congenial support

Since September, Axpo has three, new, young co-workers. They currently support the departments Origination Switzerland, Finance Projects and Strategic Asset Management Grids. Who are the new trainees? What makes them tick? Find the answers here.

Gua Bin Khov

Gua Bin, a mechanical engineer, completed his Master’s degree at the ETH. He works in Building C and is supporting the Swiss origination team in the first phase of his traineeship. His family comes from China, and he grew up in Seengen (AG). That also explains his motto.

Your personality in three words:
Curious, flexible, open.

What’s your motto?
One never reaches home, but wherever friendly paths intersect the whole world looks like home for a time. (Hermann Hesse)

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
At the MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) in New York

If you could meet someone famous who would it be? And why?
Stephen Hawking. His book „The Universe in a Nutshell“ sparked my fascination for sciences early on. However, reading the book raised more questions that it answered. I’d love to talk to him about those open questions and about the world in general.

What sort of person would your opposite be?
Probably a clean freak with a desk that’s always perfectly organised.

Anastasia Vassilieva

Anastasia provides the womanpower. She has a Bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of St. Gallen and went to ESADE in Barcelona to focus on finance. She currently works in Finance Projects. In three months she will move to Controlling. Find out which famous person she’d like to meet in her profile.

Your personality in three words:
Creative, open, spontaneous.

What’s your motto?
Life begins at the end of the comfort zone.

If you could meet someone famous who would it be? And why?
Elon Musk. I admire his innovative power and drive to change the world in some way.

What career did your parents have in mind for you?
Investment banker

What sort of person would your opposite be?
Introverted, aggressive, athletic.

Philipp Lütolf

Philipp has a Master’s degree in electrical engineering and information technology with a concentration on electrical energy systems and control technology from the ETH. In his first six months at Axpo, he will support the team in Strategic Asset Management in the Grids division. The next stop will be the Engineering department in the same division.

Your personality in three words:
Curious, persistent, conscientious.

Free time: Couch potato or explorer?
Explorer who wants to discover the world by bike.

What’s your motto?
A ship in the harbour is safe from the storm, but that’s not what it was built for.

What career did your parents have in mind for you?
Food scientist

What sort of person would your opposite be?
Disorderly, chaotic and a couch potato.

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