17.02.2025 - Axpo has signed new contracts for the Beznau and Leibstadt nuclear power plants for nuclear fuel. The fuel supply has been diversified, and Russian suppliers will no longer be used in the supply chain in the future.
Immediately after Russia launched its aggressive war against Ukraine, Axpo decided to stop concluding new contracts with Russian suppliers across the group and to terminate existing ones wherever possible. The procurement strategy for nuclear fuel was fundamentally revised with the aim of diversifying suppliers and avoiding Russian suppliers throughout the supply chain.
Now, after extensive negotiations, Axpo has been able to conclude new fuel procurement contracts with uranium mining companies in Canada and Kazakhstan. This uranium will be processed in France, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the USA. With the new contracts, Axpo is purchasing directly from the market leaders for the western market.
The first deliveries under the new contracts will be made from 2026. The Leibstadt and Beznau nuclear power plants have not relied on Russian sources for fuel supplies since 2022 due to reserves.
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