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Blog Axpo Najnowsze informacje ze świata energii

Ludzie Axpo


Sharing knowledge and new ideas

Engineering Power Conference

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Learning by doing

Working on the right kind of energy problems

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Reichenau: green hydrogen production ready for take-off

Security of supply? We take care of it – today with Luka Cuderman

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Enriching views and insights Adrians assignment in Malmö

Adrian Meier, Trainee Machine Learning Engineering, joined the Physical Optimization & Struc-turing desk in Malmö for his second assignment. He gives us an in-depth insight into his daily life in Sweden.

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Kickstarting my career with Axpo’s Trainee programme

From Poland to Madrid: A Comprehensive Exploration of Axpo's Trainee Programme

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Scaling up a business while keeping its DNA

A Dutchman with a knack for smooth sailing

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“A lot more specialists are required for the energy transition”

Interview with Axpo COO Henriette Wendt

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Secure power supply impossible without trade

Secure power supply impossible without trade

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20 years of Axpo Nordic: from start-up to industry leader

A story of passion, expertise and trust

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Lots of expertise, pizza and the Axpo community in Baden

Engineering Power Conference 2023

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About robots and floating PV plants

Axpo Innovation Week: Engineering Power Conference 2023

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#myStart@Axpo – Poznaj historię Antka

Antoni Mitraszewski dołączył do Axpo Polska pod koniec 2017 roku jako stażysta w dziale Risk Center. Przez ten czas rozwijał swoje umiejętności w obszarze analizy PnL i zarządzania ryzykiem, by ostatecznie objąć stanowisko Senior Risk Analyst.

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Annual overhaul keeps KKB in shape

Security of supply? We take care of it – today with Nicolai Braun

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Tools for the ‘grid doctors’

Security of supply? We take care of it – today with Cassandra Lehmann

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PluSport Day combines sport, fun and inclusion

Stronger together: PluSporttag is much more than a sporting event

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“I take climate change very seriously”

Working in an industry that is part of the solution – an originator’s perspective

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Enriching views and insights

Adrian's assignment in Malmö

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Advancing the energy transition with long-term contracts

Security of supply? We’re on it, says Laurent Nanzer

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Disconnecting powerlines without interrupting supply – how?

Security of supply? We take care of it - today with Rainer Lietzow

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Jak wspierać pracownika w obliczu szybko zachodzących zmian i stworzyć miejsce pracy pozytywnie wpływające na jego dobrostan

Axpo Polska – case study

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“Service with the passion of a start-up”

Happy 20th birthday, Axpo Deutschland!

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Celebrating ten years of our traineeship programme

Bigger, better, bolder in supporting our future talent

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#myStart@Axpo – Poznaj historię Przemka

Przemysław Dudek dołączył do Axpo Polska w październiku 2020 roku jako stażysta w dziale analityki SME. Przez ostatnie lata rozwijał się w obszarze analizy danych, by ostatecznie objąć stanowisko SME Senior Analyst.

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#myStart@Axpo – Poznaj historię Miltona

Milton dołączył do Axpo w listopadzie 2015 roku jako stażysta w dziale operacyjnym. Przez kolejne lata brał udział w wielu projektach i zgłębiał branżowe tajniki, by ostatecznie objąć funkcję menadżera zespołu Operations Origination.

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#myStart@Axpo – Poznaj historię Miltona

Milton dołączył do Axpo w listopadzie 2015 roku jako stażysta w dziale operacji. Przez kolejne lata brał udział w wielu projektach i zgłębiał branżowe tajniki, by ostatecznie objąć funkcję menadżera zespołu Operations Origination.

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„Jestem tam, gdzie się dzieje” – rozmowa z Joanną Sasak

Jak zarządzać finansami w szybko rosnącej firmie działającej w równie dynamicznie zmieniającej się branży.

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“I like to be at the centre of things”

Managing the finances of a fast-growing company in a rapidly-changing industry.

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Poland’s largest independent buyer of renewable energy

Twenty years ago, Axpo opened its office in Warsaw. Over the following decades, the company became a major competitor in the Polish energy market.

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Rozmowa z Pawłem Wierzbickim

Jak w kilkanaście lat rozwinęliśmy usługi Origination i zostaliśmy największym niezależnym odbiorcą energii z OZE w Polsce.

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Trainee Blog: Fabienne Voser

“The traineeship enables me to build a broad cross-division network within Axpo”

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“I meet lots of interesting and knowledgeable people through the traineeship”

Get to know our trainees: Victoria Desmarquest

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From challenge to challenge

Celebrating two decades in Poland: How Axpo’s offering to B2B customers has changed in the developing Polish market

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„Od wyzwania do wyzwania” – rozmowa z Katarzyną Bienias

Jak kształtowała się sprzedaż dla klienta B2B na polskim rynku i jak rozwinęliśmy dedykowaną dla niego ofertę.

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When there is a dam in the middle of the old town

Over 200 starters at the first obstacle course "CityStrongWoMan" in Baden

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#myStart@Axpo – Poznaj historię Krzysztofa

Krzysztof dołączył do Axpo 6 lat temu jako młodszy specjalista w dziale Operations Origination. Następnie został specjalistą, a później zdecydował się na migrację do działu Origination, gdzie obecnie pracuje na stanowisku Originator i obsługuje największych klientów Axpo.

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“I was able to shape my trainee experience at Axpo”

Get to know our trainee alumnis: Renato Bühler

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Finally Plu sports day again

The Power of Axpo

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Wszystkiego najlepszego, Axpo Polska!

Jak Axpo umacnia swoją pozycję lidera na polskim rynku energetycznym.

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Everyone is a risk manager

Why working with Axpo means that the floor is yours

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I learn from every challenge I face

Get to know our trainees: Nicolas Pelzmann

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#myStart@Axpo – Poznaj historię Marcina

Swoją przygodę z Axpo rozpoczął w sierpniu 2017 roku jako stażysta w dziale Operations Origination. Kolejne kroki stawiał w europejskim dziale Mid Office Services, a dziś jest jego menadżerem.

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#myStart@Axpo – Meet Marcin

Marcin Trzeszczyński started his adventure with Axpo in August 2017 as an intern in the Operations Origination Department. His next assignment was in the European Mid Office Services Department. Today, he is the manager.

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"At Axpo, I face new challenges and can make an impact - learning never ceases here"

Trainee at Axpo: Felipe Vielba Gómez

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“Every day there is a new challenge waiting for me”

Trainee at Axpo: Nathalie Statzer

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“Support for employees is always there”

How Axpo Nordic drives its workforce and business in the Baltics forward

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The Traineeship has enabled me to strengthen my skills

Trainee alumni at Axpo: Thomas Obrist

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"The traineeship offers me a wide range of learning opportunities"

Trainee at Axpo: Emanuel Joos

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“Axpo is an exciting place for growth”

Two highly motivated female managers from Axpo Romania on their everyday working life

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‘Reserves are dwindling all the time’

Expert warns of imminent blackouts

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“Having a network across divisions and countries is priceless!”

Trainee alumni at Axpo Basile Despond

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“I sought to leverage my skillset to make a positive impact”

Trainee at Axpo: Zach Ter

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“The world of energy really fascinates me”

Trainee at Axpo: Annina Mehlisch

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"No place for silo thinking"

When an entire team is working part-time

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“Your learning path never ends”

Trainee alumni at Axpo: Sandro Renggli

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“I grow with the challenges”

Trainee at Axpo: Kathrin Schweizer

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A skyrocketing career step

Traineeships at Axpo

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"Be brave and follow your dreams"

Axpo Bulgaria’s new Managing Director Milena Videnova encourages female colleagues to join the energy industry

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Five days full of energy

A visit to the Axpo Football Camp in Buchs-Dällikon

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“No obstacles to women's professional development”

How Axpo Iberia supports the career of female managers.

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A football day full of fun

The ball is rolling again: 15 football teams from German-speaking Switzerland met in Herrliberg on 8 February for the first Axpo-PluSport Cup of the year.

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Integration through sports at PluSport Day

Axpo Kids & Family Day and Axpo Corner 2019

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Unforgettable moments

Axpo football camps for children and young people

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Vamos, Carabanchel, vamos!

Axpo is supporting a traditional Spanish football club

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Originator, amplificator

A day with Johannes Pretel at E-world

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Follow me

The final PluSport Cup with a surprise

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Children's heroes

The coaches at the Axpo football camps

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Together full of energy

The Axpo Kids & Family Day 2018

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Something very special

The first Axpo PluSport Cup in Eastern Switzerland

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"I like doing things for others"

Committed for the Integration of people with disabilities

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A day among peers

The last Axpo PluSport Cup event in 2017

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"No free lunch"

Managing risks in the energy business – an Axpo strength

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"I am here for the expertise"

The European Energy Workshop in Amsterdam

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The big debut

Axpo PluSport players as line-up kids at the match between GC and Lugano

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Hand in Hand

Twenty-two line-up kids at the Letzigrund stadium

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Soccer player with a heart…for kids

Ex Swiss National Team goalie runs Axpo football camps for Kids

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