The company Axpo Trgovina d.o.o. is a holder of the license for Gas Supply in the Republic of Croatia, registered at HERA (Croatian Agency for Energy Regulation) under permit registration number 080806175-0685/13-I/15.
Currently we do not perform the gas supply and therefore the tariffs for natural gas energy have not yet been defined, however tariff for other components of the total cost of gas (transmission fee, distribution fee and other) are available on HERA's website (croatian language only).
Tvrtka Axpo Trgovina d.o.o. nositelj je dozvole za Opskrbu plinom u Republici Hrvatskoj, registrirana kod HERA-e pod registarskim brojem dozvole 080806175-0685/13-I/15.
Trenutno ne vršimo uslugu opskrbe plinom te samim time tarife energije plina još nisu definirane, međutim tarifne stavke za ostale komponente ukupne cijene plina (prijenosa za prijenos plina, naknada za distribuciju plina i druge) dostupne su na stranicama HERA-e.