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10.01.2019 | Figures on the topic of energy - and a good excuse.

Dishwashing? No thanks!

Energy is an important factor for our modern way of living. It provides power, allows us to work, keeps our homes warm, and much more. But what are the facts about the topic of energy? You will find an eclectic mix of facts here. Part 5

Replacing fossil energies

Owing to increasing CO2 pollution and climate warming the use of fossil energies (oil/coal) will decrease further in the future. Various studies predict that the proportion of electrical energy in relation to total energy consumption will increase worldwide from 18 % today to 40%. See more details here .

Energy Consumption: Outlook from DNV GL (Graphics: DNV GL)
Where is power consumption headed?

How will future power consumption develop in Switzerland? The Association of Swiss Electricity Companies (VSE) sees three scenarios as realistic. If everything continues as it has up to now, the VSE anticipates an increase of 25 % by the year 2050. The reasons: Population and economic growth and the replacement of fossil energy sources through electrically generated energy. With increased efficiency power consumption will only rise by 15 % until the year 2050. In this scenario, the use of more efficient devices and processes results in energy savings. According to the VSE, a decrease in power consumption by 7 % by 2050 will only occur if the population and policy-makers are called upon to take responsibility. This means making massive efficiency gains in power consumption as well as reducing consumption and making a clear commitment to renewable energies.

Watch and save

Don't like washing dishes by hand? Is "drying" is a foreign word for you? Here's an excuse when it comes to dishwashing. And a good one at that: Washing dishes in the dishwasher uses 28 per cent less energy and 50 per cent less water than washing up by hand. Clever, right?

Power for more than 5 million people

In Switzerland some 60 per cent of power production comes from hydropower. This is about 13 times the yearly power consumption of the residents of Zurich. Or said differently: The electricity from hydropower is sufficient to supply over 5.2 million people with electricity annually.

Balancing fluctuations in the grid

What happens when power consumption suddenly and unexpectedly increases? Or conversely, when large, energy-intensive companies have to stop their production abruptly? This is where control energy comes in. It serves to balance out these types of unforeseeable fluctuations in production and consumption. You will find more information here

Every little bit helps

Efforts are under way in Switzerland to generate electricity with smaller rivers and residual water volumes. And it works. Nearly ten per cent of hydropower production, some 3600 GWh, comes from small-scale hydropower plants. You will find more information here

Kollbrunn, small hydro power station

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