27.02.2019 | Axpo liquid fertiliser

Eco-power for soil

Jeanette Schranz




Liquid fertiliser, also known as press water, is a product of organic waste fermentation and an important fertiliser product for Axpo. It returns nutrients and trace elements to plants and completes the natural recycling circuit. The advantages at a glance.

In the Swiss Midlands the snow is melting and farmers are getting ready to plough their fields – in spring when the crocus begin to bloom. 
To provide the seeds with the right nutrients they often use liquid manure or liquid fertiliser: Liquid manure is a natural fertiliser that mainly comes from the urine and dung of farm animals. Liquid fertiliser, also known as press water, is a product of organic waste fermentation. The latter is an Axpo product and completes the natural recycling circuit.

A good environmental footprint with organic fertiliser produced by Axpo

Press water is a very valuable, nutrient-rich, natural fertiliser that can be used for agricultural purposes in many ways: The cultivation of fodder, grain, corn or rape. It benefits plant growth with important nutrients and trace elements. Soil fertility increases. 

Press water does not contain any weeds or other noxious seeds because the fertiliser is sanitised during the fermentation process. Its composition is purely plant-based and in contrast to liquid manure, odour emissions are minimal. By using press water on fields less artificial fertiliser has to be imported. This is good for the environment and the Axpo product contributes to a positive environmental footprint. 

Fits into the natural recycling circuit

When cuttings from bushes, branches, gardens and kitchen waste land in the recycling bin, they are processed by Axpo and turned into biogas and fertiliser after fermentation. Biogas is used for power and heat production or fed into the gas grid. Solid fertiliser can be used for agricultural purposes and in household gardens. Liquid fertiliser is often used for organic farming in addition to conventional agriculture. Both solid and liquid natural fertiliser is high-quality, sanitised and organically certified.

(German only)

The fermentation products fit seamlessly into the natural recycling circuit by returning nutrients to the soil.

The different recycling processes support CO2 reduction and an improved climate footprint. The generated energy, the high quality fertiliser and the various compost products all carry the seal of quality for organically produced products.

When do farmers start fertilising their fields?
This takes place in the spring at the onset of vegetation when plants begin to sprout. Ideally liquid fertiliser is spread on the fields in the evening when temperatures are lower and humidity is higher than during the day. Windless conditions support the optimal absorption of the fertiliser by the soil. 

Prohibited during winter: Press water and liquid manure may not be spread on fields during winter periods.

How many litres of liquid fertiliser may be applied per hectare?
The amounts are prescribed in the Fertilisation Regulations and the Ordinance on Chemical Risk Reduction (ORRChem): Over a period of three years up to 200 m3 of liquid fertiliser may be applied on one hectare for fertilisation purposes if the requirements for nitrogen and phosphorous are not exceeded. Axpo recommends, depending on cultivation, a one-time application of maximum 30 m3 per hectare.

Press water, liquid fertiliser and recycled fertiliser. What are the differences between the three?
Press water and liquid fertiliser are the same thing and belong in the category of recycled fertiliser. Recycled fertiliser is by definition the term for plant-based, animal-based, or microbial material fermented under airtight conditions.

Interested in Axpo's organic fertiliser?
If you have any questions about Axpo's liquid fertiliser products please contact Patric Willi, Dispatcher Biomass Logistics (071 633 16 70, patric.willi@axpo.com).

You will find more information about Axpo press water on the facts sheet (German only).

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