20.03.2025 - Switzerland needs more renewable energy, particularly in winter. Axpo is therefore initiating preliminary assessments for a potential wind farm in the Dreibündenstein area, in the canton of Graubünden, it was announced today. To this end, Axpo engaged with the local population through two information events. The next steps include feasibility assessments and wind measurements, with a wind measurement mast set to be installed in the coming months.
The Dreibündenstein wind suitability area is earmarked for inclusion in the cantonal structure plan and could make a valuable contribution to sustainable electricity production. Wind power can be an ideal complement to existing energy sources such as hydropower and solar energy, particularly in winter when energy demand is at its highest. Axpo is now evaluating the site's potential in close collaboration with the Graubünden municipalities of Churwalden and Domleschg. For Axpo, public acceptance is a prerequisite for the project.
To involve local communities in the planning process at an early stage, information events were held on 18 March in Churwalden and on 19 March in Rodels (municipality of Domleschg). Axpo presented the preliminary project and answered questions from the public. The Axpo Wind-Mobile was used at both events, offering an interactive experience of wind energy. The mobile unit provides multimedia content with factual information on wind energy, including a 3D visualisation that illustrated the potential wind farm. Both events were well attended, with many people taking the opportunity to talk directly to the experts.
Karin Niederberger, Mayor of Churwalden, emphasised: "We welcome the transparent evaluation of wind potential and the early involvement of the public. A well-founded decision-making basis is essential to realistically assess the feasibility of a wind farm in our region."
Pius Giger, Mayor of Domleschg, added: "For the municipality of Domleschg, it is crucial that all stakeholders are comprehensively informed and included in the decision-making process. Ultimately, the final decision on granting building rights will rest with the voters of the territorial municipalities."
The next steps involve preliminary feasibility assessments, including a detailed transport and grid study, as well as wind measurements. A wind measurement mast will be installed in the coming months to collect data over the course of a year on wind speed, wind direction, weather conditions, and bat activity. These data are essential for evaluating the feasibility and economic viability of a wind farm.
Cédric Aubert, Head of Wind Switzerland at Axpo, stated: "We are actively driving forward the expansion of wind energy in Switzerland. Two-thirds of a wind turbine's electricity production occurs in winter – precisely when we need it most. The site assessment at Dreibündenstein is an important step in this direction."
Axpo is actively promoting wind energy expansion across Switzerland and assessing several potential sites. Initial wind measurements are already underway to analyse the feasibility of new projects. The goal is to supply renewable electricity to thousands of households and contribute to Switzerland's energy security.
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