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Axpo Group - Overview We produce, trade and distribute energy in Switzerland and internationally

Axpo Group comprises Axpo Holding AG and its subsidiaries. Axpo Holding AG carries the strategic responsibility for the Axpo Group and ensures a future-oriented focus. Axpo Holding AG was founded in 2001 with headquarters in Baden. The shares of Axpo Holding AG are wholly owned by the cantons and the cantonal utilities of Northeastern Switzerland.

Our financial figures show just where we stand on the road to a sustainability energy future.
Axpo Group is managed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), supported by the Executive Board.
We offer innovative solutions for a sustainable future.
Learn how Axpo is securing a sustainable energy future with renewable energies.
We are dedicated to upholding sustainability criteria in operations.
See our organisation structures, all our divisions and subsidiaries at a glance in our chart.
We are active in more than 30 countries across Europe, North America and Asia.