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Renewables Good for the environment, good for your image

Companies wishing to add environmental value to their electricity purchases can benefit from Axpo's comprehensive range of Guarantees of Origin and green electricity products.

If you are a KEV producer (under the Swiss federal feed-in remuneration scheme) and are looking for an external solution for marketing your electricity, Axpo can help. As Switzerland's largest producer of renewable energies, we can manage your direct marketing, enabling you to benefit from our extensive know-how and experience. 

Details on solutions in the renewable energies field:

Our service - your advantage:

  • Comprehensive portfolio

    With our comprehensive portfolio of hydropower and biomass plants and a range of other technologies, we provide regional and individual renewable energy solutions for energy suppliers.

  • Guarantees of Origin (COs)

    Guarantees of Origin (COs) for all technologies as well as quality labels from Switzerland and abroad for energy suppliers and companies.

  • Clean electricity products

    Clean electricity products with the ‘naturemade ’ and ‘naturemade star’ quality labels, widely supported in Switzerland, can be configured to energy supplier customers’ specifications.

  • Long-term investment security

    Through the direct marketing of renewable energies, we offer additional revenue, long-term investment security, and freedom from administrative and operational costs.