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The ERIS (Evaluation of Reliability Index for Electric Systems) quality indicator developed by Axpo provides you with an instrument for systematically determining and measuring supply security. ERIS supports you in the planning, development and operation of your electricity grid. For grid operators, the operation of an efficient, secure grid is increasingly becoming key focus. The importance of the quantitative assessment of supply security increases with increasing cost pressure.

With ERIS you can...

  • Comprehensively evaluate your network based on load flow, structural and condition parameters.
  • Identify the need for action in your network at the touch of a button.
  • Compare different optimisation variants with each other and consider different load and production situations.
  • Prioritise and schedule network expansion and renewal measures from a single source.
  • Evaluate the impact of investments on supply security in a well-founded manner.

ERIS gives security of supply a value

Innovative technology to quantify security of supply

Due to the effort involved in conventional reliability calculations and the increasing complexity and dynamics of electricity grids, Axpo has developed and patented the grid quality indicator ERIS to assess the security of supply.

To calculate supply security, the methodology uses existing load flow, topology and condition parameters and enables investments to be linked to a value for supply security.

Since 2016, Axpo has successfully used the ERIS quality indicator for both large high-voltage and medium-voltage grids. NEPLAN, the IT manufacturer, was determined as the ideal partner to ensure that other network operators also benefit from the ERIS methodology. Within the network calculation program, the quality indicator is calculated at the push of a button. Network expansion and renewal measures can be identified efficiently and different variants can be compared transparently. By selecting the planning principles, network operators can adapt the assessment to their specific requirements.

With ERIS, the two components of network quality and costs can be optimised.

More information about ERIS (German only)

ERIS: Your advantages

  • Fast
    At the push of a button, you can identify the need for action in your network and compare different variants with each other.
  • Proven
    Axpo successfully employs ERIS in the planning of both large high-voltage and medium-voltage networks.
  • Innovative
    ERIS is innovative, easy to use and creates added value for you. The module is available in the NEPLAN network calculation software.

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