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Automated Line Planning Automated Line Planning

Plan your optimal power line

Plan power line routes strategically, inform stakeholders transparently and evaluate the route variants according to objective criteria. With our expertise in software-based planning of transmission line and cable routes, we support your grid expansion project.

Line identification - Our questions

How do we identify line and cable routes in particularly densely built-up or protected areas in order to be able to react to the high regulatory requirements at an early stage?

How can we always communicate with stakeholders in a transparent and objective manner?

How can we keep investment costs as low as possible?

Determination of variants

Determination of independent and solution-neutral route variants.

Complete integration of the relevant GIS layers (spatial planning, environmental protection, economic efficiency, technical aspects).

Efficient elaboration of line variants in the office with objective evaluation of the variants.

Easy-to-understand visualizations for stakeholder communication.

Project procedure

  1. Define the project area
  2. Obtain/update GIS data (automated)
  3. Define/adapt resistance matrix
  4. Develop variants
  5. Compare/justify variants

Any questions?

Yes, I am interested and like to learn more.

Remo Tichy

Product Owner

Marketing Communications

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