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Insights as a Service Insights as a Service

Find relevant information quickly using web-based solution

Insights as a Service is a modular web application. Structured and linked information as well as analyses and dashboards help to perfect strategies and make decisions. Insights as a Service is available as a complete package as well as individual modules.

Insights Search

The intelligent search makes technical facilities and asset-relevant information of all kinds quickly findable.

Insights Search is a central and intuitive search engine that makes technical assets, projects, documents, people and other data quickly findable and interconnected.

Insights Maps

The interactive map provides intuitive access to all geographically relevant information.

Geographical objects and selected KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are visualized on an interactive map to make location-dependent relationships and conditions clearly visible.

Virtual Inspection

The module provides an overall view of inspections performed and offers condition and damage analyses of assets.

Damages can be filtered and visualized on images, where it can also be viewed in detail on high-resolution images thanks to the zoom function.

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Norbert Burger

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More solutions

Automated Inspection

SaaS solutions and services for automated inspection.

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Automated Line Planning

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Incident Management

Minimize downtime through quick and coordinated action.

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