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Renewable energy 27.09.2024

Green Deal Team: Keeping the EU on track for climate neutrality in 2050?

EU energy & climate policy: 2024 - 2029

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Energy market 27.09.2024

No room for experimenting with the WACC

Notwendigen Netzausbau nicht gefährden

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People 24.09.2024

Expert insights on Energy’s next decade

Axpo Netherlands: the first 10 years

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People 23.09.2024

Turbocharging Axpo’s Growth

The ins and outs of investing in a renewable future

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Energy market 17.09.2024

Gearing up for the winter season

European Energy Markets Monthly, September 2024

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Innovation 16.09.2024

Data Analytics for the Grid of the Future

"Open Innovation" at Axpo

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People 06.09.2024

“Then as now: I have great confidence in the plant”

40 years of Leibstadt nuclear power plant

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Renewable energy 05.09.2024

A construction site awakes from its slumber

The two-year pause in construction at the Gigerwald dam facility was caused by the threat of a power shortage in winter 2022/23.

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Renewable energy 02.09.2024

Seven reasons to build wind power plants in Switzerland

Wind power generates winter electricity

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People 28.08.2024

Sharing knowledge and new ideas

Engineering Power Conference

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Energy market 14.08.2024

Hot weather and bullish risks test European markets

European Energy Markets Monthly, August 2024

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Renewable energy 29.07.2024

Electricity market regulation 2024 – interim summary

There’s still plenty to do

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Energy market 26.07.2024

10 facts about nuclear power

What’s true and what’s false with regard to nuclear power?

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Innovation 09.07.2024

Hydrone propels pilot expertise sky-high

Aerial efficiency: monitoring power plants and the grid using drones

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Energy market 09.07.2024

Weather and politics strong drivers of energy markets

European Energy Markets Monthly, July 2024

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Innovation 08.07.2024

Pigniu reservoir: the first-ever removal of deposited sediments via flushing

The Pigniu reservoir of Kraftwerke Ilanz AG was temporarily completely emptied

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Energy regulations 27.06.2024

Additional regulation for electricity companies with ‘systemic importance’?

In the wake of the energy crisis, the Federal Council has presented a draft for the regulation of electricity companies with ‘systemic importance.’

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Energy politics 25.06.2024

Shifting majorities: from centre-left to centre-right

EU elections

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Energy market 14.06.2024

Growing business: how Axpo is helping French greenhouse farmers

Innovative partnerships in France

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Energy market 11.06.2024

Weather and geopolitics shape European energy markets

European Energy Markets Monthly, June 2024

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People 04.06.2024

We are planning the grid of the future

Interview with Roland Notter and Dominik Amrein

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International business 31.05.2024

Gas decarbonisation and hydrogen package

EU internal gas market: More green & low-carbon molecules

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Renewable energy 28.05.2024

Wind power opponents on the electricity law: the flop 5

Axpo’s Head Wind on the electricity law, wind power and its opponents

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Energy market 27.05.2024

Are energy suppliers allowed to invest in loss-making projects?

4 facts on a frequently asked question

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Renewable energy 20.05.2024

About gigawatts and gigawatt hours

Which technology generates a high amount of electricity in winter?

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Energy market 16.05.2024

Weather shifts and renewables drive market volatility

European Energy Markets Monthly, May 2024

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Renewable energy 26.04.2024

The electricity law – putting a key argument of its opponents to the test

Nature and landscape conservation are not being compromised

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People 24.04.2024

Learning by doing

Working on the right kind of energy problems

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Renewable energy 10.04.2024

A refuge for birds, fish and beavers

The Hydropower Tour de Suisse – Aarekraftwerk Klingnau AG

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Energy market 10.04.2024

March saw mix of mild weather and supported fuel markets

European Energy Markets Monthly, April 2024

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People 05.04.2024

Reichenau: green hydrogen production ready for take-off

Security of supply? We take care of it – today with Luka Cuderman

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Renewable energy 22.03.2024

Broad compromise to boost supply security

Expand renewables, secure supply: all about the new electricity law

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Sustainability 06.03.2024

Axpo’s climate strategy: ambitious and challenging in equal measure

Net zero ambition 

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Renewable energy 27.02.2024

Full market liberalisation: opportunity, not a must

Supplier choice for small-scale consumers too?

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Renewable energy 27.02.2024

Stabilising the Electricity Grid with Water from the Valle Mesolcina

Important task in the remote mountain world

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Energy regulations 26.02.2024

Using CfDs, PPAs and liquid wholesale markets to combat volatility and high electricity prices

Agreement on the reform of the EU’s electricity market design

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Energy market 13.02.2024

Bearish momentum persists despite cold spell

European Energy Markets Monthly, February 2024

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People 07.02.2024

Enriching views and insights Adrians assignment in Malmö

Adrian Meier, Trainee Machine Learning Engineering, joined the Physical Optimization & Struc-turing desk in Malmö for his second assignment. He gives us an in-depth insight into his daily life in Sweden.

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Renewable energy 29.01.2024

H2 demand: a look into the crystal ball

Potential, costs and visions for the future of hydrogen

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Energy politics 25.01.2024

What does 2024 have in store for the Swiss electricity market?

Momentum for increased regulation continues

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Energy politics 23.01.2024

Switzerland – EU electricity agreement: breakthrough in 2024?

Swiss Federal Council and European Commission present draft negotiating mandates

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Energy market 16.01.2024

Bearish 2023 looks set to continue

European Energy Markets Monthly, January 2024

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People 10.01.2024

Kickstarting my career with Axpo’s Trainee programme

From Poland to Madrid: A Comprehensive Exploration of Axpo's Trainee Programme

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Energy politics 19.12.2023

EU Parliament and Council reach agreement on energy market transparency

On 17 November 2023, the European Parliament and the Council found a political agreement on the ongoing reform of the Regulation on Energy Market.

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Energy market 12.12.2023

First cold snap is no sweat for Europe’s energy markets

First cold snap is no sweat for Europe’s energy markets

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People 07.12.2023

Scaling up a business while keeping its DNA

A Dutchman with a knack for smooth sailing

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Energy market 04.12.2023

Powering the energy transition with PPAs

A pioneer in power purchase agreements

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Renewable energy 04.12.2023

Axpo accelerates Swiss solar initiative

In alpine, midland and urban areas

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People 04.12.2023

“A lot more specialists are required for the energy transition”

Interview with Axpo COO Henriette Wendt

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Sustainability 04.12.2023

Sustainability at Axpo

Ambitious net-zero ambitions

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Commitment 30.11.2023

Christoph Brand on the response to the new Power Switcher

“The solution is a good mix of different technologies”

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People 29.11.2023

Secure power supply impossible without trade

Secure power supply impossible without trade

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Energy market 17.11.2023

Abundant supply and subdued demand offset geopolitical risks

European Energy Markets Monthly, November 2023

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Renewable energy 26.10.2023

Modern Axpo power plant produces energy for 14,000 households

Rüchlig power plant – a modern understatement in the centre of Aarau

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Renewable energy 26.10.2023

Modern Axpo power plant produces energy for 14,000 households

Rüchlig power plant – a modern understatement in the centre of Aarau

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Renewable energy 19.10.2023

More renewable energy, smaller market role

The future of the Swiss electricity market following the consolidation bill

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Energy market 09.10.2023

Mild weather and renewed nuclear confidence blunt winter risks

European Energy Markets Monthly, October 2023

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People 04.10.2023

20 years of Axpo Nordic: from start-up to industry leader

A story of passion, expertise and trust

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Energy politics 26.09.2023

The consolidation bill is an important step towards implementing the energy transition

Further measures required to expand renewable energies

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Renewable energy 19.09.2023

What’s behind the electricity price increases

Basic electricity supply prices are rising

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Energy politics 14.09.2023

Higher renewable targets for 2030 & better tools to implement them?

Revision of the EU Renewable Energy Directive

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People 14.09.2023

Lots of expertise, pizza and the Axpo community in Baden

Engineering Power Conference 2023

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Innovation 13.09.2023

Collaborating with startups for a more sustainable future

The Power of Open Innovation at Axpo

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Renewable energy 12.09.2023

Alp da Schnaus used in many and varied ways

Combining leisure, nature and energy generation in Ilanz/Glion

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Energy market 12.09.2023

Markets shift towards bearish conditions

European Energy Markets Monthly, September 2023

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People 11.09.2023

About robots and floating PV plants

Axpo Innovation Week: Engineering Power Conference 2023

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Renewable energy 01.09.2023

Premiere in the Canton of Schwyz

Axpo and EWS give new impetus with first alpine solar plant in Canton Schwyz

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People 30.08.2023

Annual overhaul keeps KKB in shape

Security of supply? We take care of it – today with Nicolai Braun

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International business 18.08.2023

Will the EU have enough money to finance its climate industry ambitions?

The Green Deal Industrial Plan

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Renewable energy 18.08.2023

Reserve power plants as part of the Swiss electricity system

Drawing energy only in an emergency

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Energy market 17.08.2023

Winter supply outlook improves despite mixed market signals

European Energy Markets Monthly, August 2023

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Renewable energy 16.08.2023

Hydrogen from the Rhine – a key pillar of Switzerland’s energy future

Axpo will produce up to 350 tonnes of hydrogen per year from Rhine water

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Energy market 15.08.2023

Myths and facts: 12 common misconceptions about electricity

Myths and misconceptions can be highly persistent

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People 09.08.2023

Tools for the ‘grid doctors’

Security of supply? We take care of it – today with Cassandra Lehmann

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Renewable energy 07.08.2023

Green hydrogen simply explained

Axpo goes for H2 as an energy carrier

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International business 03.08.2023

From start-up to value-added trader

Axpo Singapore’s Managing Director on building a successful business from scratch

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Renewable energy 18.07.2023

EU Nature Restoration Law narrowly survives crucial vote

European Parliament split over environmental policy

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Renewable energy 18.07.2023

Full acceleration of approval procedures

Currently we are taking too long

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People 18.07.2023

PluSport Day combines sport, fun and inclusion

Stronger together: PluSporttag is much more than a sporting event

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Energy market 17.07.2023

Negative electricity price: Predictable trend?

Simply explained: Why the electricity price can be negative

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Energy market 12.07.2023

Fuels uncertainty lifts energy prices despite bearish power fundamentals

European Energy Markets Monthly, July 2023

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Sustainability 10.07.2023

Cool groundwater in the Aare

Pilot project for the fish

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Renewable energy 26.06.2023

"We still have the spirit and passion of the early days"

Interview with Katja Stommel on Volkswind's 30th anniversary

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Energy regulations 21.06.2023

Satisfactory, reliable framework conditions are essential to facilitate investment

Facilitating investment in the development of renewable energies requires an adequate framework

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People 21.06.2023

“I take climate change very seriously”

Working in an industry that is part of the solution – an originator’s perspective

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People 20.06.2023

Enriching views and insights

Adrian's assignment in Malmö

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Sustainability 16.06.2023

95% less CO2 by 2040?

Scientists publish report in support of European Green Deal

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Energy market 14.06.2023

Surging renewables bring an optimism that summer will test

European Energy Markets Monthly, June 2023

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Innovation 13.06.2023

Power increase improves electricity supply in the Untere Aaretal

The region will thus benefit from a sustainable energy supply

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People 07.06.2023

Advancing the energy transition with long-term contracts

Security of supply? We’re on it, says Laurent Nanzer

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Renewable energy 25.05.2023

The six main basics of hydropower

Clean, efficient and important for security of supply

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Renewable energy 17.05.2023

Renewables on the rise throughout the world

Renewables like PV and wind are booming – but we need even more growth

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Energy regulations 16.05.2023

Where is winter electricity going to come from?

Only the right regulatory conditions will ensure rapid expansion

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Energy regulations 15.05.2023

National elections and energy prices dominate the debate

EU electricity market: reform in difficult times

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Innovation 11.05.2023

The Power of Sustainable Innovation: Together towards NET-Zero

Axpo and start-up accelerator Bluelion agree on partnership

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People 11.05.2023

Disconnecting powerlines without interrupting supply – how?

Security of supply? We take care of it - today with Rainer Lietzow

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People 10.05.2023

“Service with the passion of a start-up”

Happy 20th birthday, Axpo Deutschland!

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Energy market 09.05.2023

California’s duck curve visits Europe | Axpo

European Energy Markets Monthly, May 2023

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Renewable energy 08.05.2023

Caischavedra – A giant yesterday, a dwarf today

Thirty years ago, Axpo built the largest solar plant of the time in the Swiss Alps

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Renewable energy 05.05.2023

Large-scale alpine solar plant "Ovra Solara Magriel" in the starting blocks

Solar offensive forges ahead: 10-megawatt plant above Disentis

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Renewable energy 04.05.2023

Raising dam walls to advance the energy transition

Why higher dam walls don’t result in more hydropower – but are still a sensible option

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People 28.04.2023

Celebrating ten years of our traineeship programme

Bigger, better, bolder in supporting our future talent

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Renewable energy 18.04.2023

Wind power – yes please!

Swiss wind energy: getting the locals on board

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Energy market 17.04.2023

Joint gas purchasing: hope for the EU - but without Switzerland?

Swiss companies can only participate in new platform as sellers

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Energy regulations 17.04.2023

Solar power, not blanket bans

The ‘site dependency’ criterion is slowing expansion

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Renewable energy 13.04.2023

For more winter power

The largest alpine solar plant in the production profile

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Renewable energy 13.04.2023

For more winter power

The largest alpine solar plant in the production profile

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Energy market 12.04.2023

Winter ends with relief, but new challenges arise

European Energy Markets Monthly, April 2023

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Axpo Group 27.03.2023

Time to look to the future

Management audit finds no major shortcomings or cause for complaint

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Energy market 20.03.2023

European Commission publishes proposals to revise EU internal electricity market

Evolution instead of hasty revolution

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Energy regulations 17.03.2023

More Renewables, More Regulation

Mantelerlass: after the National Council, a mixed picture emerges

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Energy market 16.03.2023

Beware of emerging supply risks

European Energy Markets Monthly, March 2023

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Innovation 14.03.2023

The first partner power plant in Switzerland

Wägital power plant: a model student among pioneer plants

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Renewable energy 09.03.2023

The wind has shifted

Swiss wind energy: insignificant today – a pillar for reliable supply tomorrow

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Energy market 08.03.2023

Natural hydrogen: More than just a hope?

Discoveries of natural hydrogen are accumulating

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Renewable energy 01.03.2023

Expansion of renewables and nature protection? No contradiction

Politics and industry want faster expansion of PV, wind and hydropower

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Energy market 15.02.2023

Regulatory activities in the Swiss electricity market

A guide to short-term and long-term measures

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Energy regulations 14.02.2023

EU internal electricity market: Better protection against extreme price fluctuations?

European Commission seeks proposals to revise electricity trading and support instruments

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Energy market 14.02.2023

Markets reverting to traditional price anchors

European Energy Markets Monthly, February 2023

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Commitment 20.01.2023

Security of supply: the Axpo top ten

Over a hundred years of reliability: the key role of Axpo in Switzerland’s power supply

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Sustainability 19.01.2023

Axpo Italy powers ambitious e-scooter sharing service

Need a ride? Rent one!

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Energy market 21.12.2022

Supply security: a combination of production, trade and market

Switzerland’s current energy supply has grown historically. The system has been continuously adapted and improved due to technological and social changes. The interaction between trade and production is of fundamental importance. An analysis by Polynomics has come to the conclusion that trading increases not only efficiency, but ultimately also supply security.

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Innovation 16.12.2022

For more security of supply: Hydropower goes digital

Tour de Suisse of Hydropower, part 4

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Energy market 07.12.2022

Market distortions of the past months

Axpo in a ‘perfect storm’

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Energy market 07.12.2022

Inextricable link between electricity production and trading

Business model combines strengths in production and trading

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Renewable energy 07.12.2022

Axpos photovoltaic ambition for Switzerland increases sixfold

Improved framework paves the way for solar offensive

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Renewable energy 02.12.2022

Energy from pumpkins

Jona fermentation plant runs on pumpkin power

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Energy market 25.11.2022

Why natural gas drives up the price of electricity

Merit Order: Priority to the cheapest power plants

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Energy market 23.11.2022

The unaffordability of autarky

Scenarios for climate neutrality and security of supply for Switzerland

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Renewable energy 22.11.2022

Solar power for over 300,000 Swiss households

Axpo launches solar offensive. Winter power from the Alps and the motorway

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Energy politics 18.11.2022

Axpo's contribution to power supply in Switzerland this winter

Extraordinary measures generate more than 1 TWh of extra energy

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Energy market 16.11.2022

Foreign trade ensures balance

Exported only if supply exceeds demand

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Innovation 16.11.2022

How much solar is there in our energy future?

The Power Switcher simulates the future of the Swiss electricity system

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Renewable energy 15.11.2022

Solar power from a satellite dish

Winter power from an innovative solar project in the Alps

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People 02.11.2022

“I like to be at the centre of things”

Managing the finances of a fast-growing company in a rapidly-changing industry.

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Renewable energy 27.10.2022

Solar power above - strawberries below

Why we urgently need more agrophotovoltaics in Switzerland

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International business 14.10.2022

Ensuring Switzerland’s security of supply this winter

How Axpo plays a key role in finding alternatives to Russian gas

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Renewable energy 11.10.2022

test nordic

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People 06.10.2022

Poland’s largest independent buyer of renewable energy

Twenty years ago, Axpo opened its office in Warsaw. Over the following decades, the company became a major competitor in the Polish energy market.

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People 01.10.2022

Trainee Blog: Fabienne Voser

“The traineeship enables me to build a broad cross-division network within Axpo”

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Energy market 30.09.2022

Bailout funds in Europe

The liquidity crisis in Europe

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Sustainability 30.09.2022

No electricity supply security without a powerful grid

Grids: why the voltage conversion from 50 to 110 kV is crucial

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Energy market 21.09.2022

10 answers about Axpo’s energy trading

Why energy has no future without trading

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Energy market 09.09.2022

10 answers to the federal credit line

Electricity price, hedging, liquidity - what you need to know

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International business 08.09.2022

Outstanding customer service recognised in Portugal

Axpo subsidiary Goldenergy wins customer service awards

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Energy market 05.09.2022

7 things you need to know about hedging electricity prices

The most important facts about electricity, gambling, hedging and rescue umbrellas

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Energy market 05.09.2022

How hedging works in energy markets

A guide to initial margins and variation margins

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Renewable energy 02.09.2022

Solar power from the mountains – how does that work?

Test your energy knowledge

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Renewable energy 01.09.2022

3.3 gigawatt hours of winter electricity

Switzerland's largest alpine solar plant fully operational

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People 31.08.2022

“I meet lots of interesting and knowledgeable people through the traineeship”

Get to know our trainees: Victoria Desmarquest

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Renewable energy 24.08.2022

Garden waste in summer slumber

When silo bales store energy for the winter

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Renewable energy 23.08.2022

Citizens participate in the energy transition

A good way to increase the acceptance of wind and solar power

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Renewable energy 19.08.2022

When wind becomes electricity

Test your energy knowledge

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People 18.08.2022

From challenge to challenge

Celebrating two decades in Poland: How Axpo’s offering to B2B customers has changed in the developing Polish market

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Energy market 17.08.2022

Conversion of overhead line Eglisau-Wilchingen

Pylon number 63 is being replaced

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People 15.08.2022

When there is a dam in the middle of the old town

Over 200 starters at the first obstacle course "CityStrongWoMan" in Baden

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Energy market 12.08.2022

Why the grid ‘pulse’ is 50 hertz

Consistent grid frequency crucial for grid stability

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Renewable energy 10.08.2022

Solar yield at 2500 metres

The challenges of building the largest alpine solar plant

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Renewable energy 10.08.2022

Last solar board installed

A milestone at AlpinSolar Muttsee

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Energy market 05.08.2022

Heading off the power shortage with OSTRAL

About the Organisation for Power Supply in Extraordinary Situa-tions

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People 03.08.2022

“I was able to shape my trainee experience at Axpo”

Get to know our trainee alumnis: Renato Bühler

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People 28.07.2022

Finally Plu sports day again

The Power of Axpo

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Renewable energy 27.07.2022

A bumpy road towards EU climate neutrality?

European Green Deal: Fit-for-55 package

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Energy market 15.07.2022

Sustainable Finance: Nuclear power & natural gas = "green"?

Where do the EU's green billions end up?

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Renewable energy 13.07.2022

Countering misconceptions

Seven reasons for the construction of ground-mounted systems

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Renewable energy 12.07.2022

Uncertain future inhibits investment

How is the issue of reversion blocking the energy transition?

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International business 11.07.2022

Happy birthday, Axpo Polska!

How Axpo is strengthening its leading position in the Polish energy market

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People 05.07.2022

Everyone is a risk manager

Why working with Axpo means that the floor is yours

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Energy market 01.07.2022

Safety net: right or wrong?

Council of States debates the safety net: a fact check

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Axpo Group 13.06.2022

Good results in unprecedented times

Eight questions to the CEO about the results

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People 01.06.2022

I learn from every challenge I face

Get to know our trainees: Nicolas Pelzmann

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Innovation 01.06.2022

Certified protection of power grids against cyber attacks

ISO certificate for process informatics of Axpo Grid AG

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Energy market 30.05.2022

How Axpos long term commitment powers Finlands green transition

The importance of local expertise

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Renewable energy 25.05.2022

Permits: more resolve needed to speed up processes

The Federal Council's proposal goes in the right direction, but not far enough

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Renewable energy 23.05.2022

“Create conditions for investments in renewables”

Axpo and Goldenergy host energy challenge debate in Portugal

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Renewable energy 19.05.2022

How is hydrogen produced

Grey, green, yellow – H2 theory of colours

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Renewable energy 18.05.2022

“Employees are the most important key to growth”

Axpo powers ahead in France

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Renewable energy 17.05.2022

Unassuming but essential

In the canton of Glarus, hydropower reveals its potential

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Energy market 12.05.2022

From weather to war

What's behind high electricity prices?

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Renewable energy 10.05.2022

Four reasons why hydropower is having a hard time in Switzerland

Hydropower is crucial to the energy transition

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Renewable energy 09.05.2022

What exactly is hydrogen?

Everywhere, but never alone

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Energy market 05.05.2022

Power trading - so simple, so complex

Over the counter, on the exchange: where market players meet

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Axpo Group 03.05.2022

"I was able to take on responsibility right from the start "

Trainee alumni at Axpo: Jordan Metz

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Axpo Group 03.05.2022

“Gleich von Beginn an konnte ich Verantwortung übernehmen”

Trainee alumni bei Axpo: Jordan Metz

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Renewable energy 02.05.2022

From satellite dish to solar plant

Winter power in the Valais Alps thanks to an innovative project

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Renewable energy 06.04.2022

"We have the know-how"

Growth strategy for solar and wind until 2030

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Renewable energy 01.04.2022

Off into new heights

Large-scale solar plants make a significant contribution to the prevention of a winter power gap

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Renewable energy 23.03.2022

5 MWp from floating solar panels

A new function for a former gravel pit

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People 17.03.2022

"At Axpo, I face new challenges and can make an impact - learning never ceases here"

Trainee at Axpo: Felipe Vielba Gómez

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Energy market 23.02.2022

Green electricity for automotive suppliers

Axpo facilitates wind farm PPA for VERBUND in Romania

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Energy market 16.02.2022

Record high power prices – positive or negative?

Successful energy trading is only possible with sufficient liquidity

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Innovation 10.02.2022

Controlling grid voltages with shunt reactors

New reactive power compensation systems in Winkeln and Fällanden

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Renewable energy 08.02.2022

Before the rotor blades start turning

A gigantic construction: Building a wind power plant

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Renewable energy 08.02.2022

From inside as from above

Extraordinary pictures of a wind turbine

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People 01.02.2022

“Every day there is a new challenge waiting for me”

Trainee at Axpo: Nathalie Statzer

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People 26.01.2022

“Support for employees is always there”

How Axpo Nordic drives its workforce and business in the Baltics forward

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Innovation 20.01.2022

‘Spot on’ at the nuclear power plant

Four-legged robot to support daily work

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Renewable energy 18.01.2022

Those who make sure electricity flows

A guest commentary by Christoph Brand in the NZZ

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Innovation 13.01.2022

“Big step to make Romania green”

Axpo lands major industry award

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People 05.01.2022

The Traineeship has enabled me to strengthen my skills

Trainee alumni at Axpo: Thomas Obrist

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Renewable energy 22.12.2021

Energy knowledge in high demand

Energy dialogue: The ten most read articles

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Energy market 15.12.2021

"We came to stay"

Axpo Austria celebrates its 20th anniversary

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Energy market 14.12.2021

Coalition wants significant expansion of renewables

Is the new German government putting the expansion of renewables ahead of species protection?

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Innovation 13.12.2021

New software: Optimal routing of power lines

Automated planning of overhead lines and underground cables with new software

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People 10.12.2021

"The traineeship offers me a wide range of learning opportunities"

Trainee at Axpo: Emanuel Joos

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Sustainability 09.12.2021

Axpo’s financial results benefit all of Switzerland

CEO Christoph Brand on the company’s results and its strategy

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Energy market 08.12.2021

Taking Portugal by storm

39% of customers changing supplier chose Goldenergy

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People 07.12.2021

“Axpo is an exciting place for growth”

Two highly motivated female managers from Axpo Romania on their everyday working life

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People 26.11.2021

‘Reserves are dwindling all the time’

Expert warns of imminent blackouts

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People 10.11.2021

“Having a network across divisions and countries is priceless!”

Trainee alumni at Axpo Basile Despond

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Renewable energy 26.10.2021

A technology for the future?

Organic solar cells

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Renewable energy 19.10.2021

Bright as the sun

Solar energy: How well informed are you - a quiz

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Renewable energy 11.10.2021

One small step toward the energy transition

AlpinSolar produces electricity for the first time

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Renewable energy 06.10.2021

Demand could boom as of 2030

PwC study on hydrogen

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People 05.10.2021

“I sought to leverage my skillset to make a positive impact”

Trainee at Axpo: Zach Ter

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Renewable energy 01.10.2021

Construction at an altitude of over 2500 meters

Steady progress on Switzerland’s largest alpine solar power plant at the Muttsee dam wall

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Renewable energy 01.10.2021

Construction at an altitude of over 2500 meters

Steady progress on Switzerland’s largest alpine solar power plant at the Muttsee dam wall

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Energy market 28.09.2021

Greater transparency regarding electricity mix disclosure

Guarantees of origin (GOs)

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Sustainability 23.09.2021

The role of gas as the world moves towards a low carbon economy

Market insights: a fuel that fills the gap between fossil and renewables energies

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Renewable energy 22.09.2021

Battery costs to be halved by 2050

Large comparative study by the University of Münster

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Innovation 14.09.2021

Exploring the eternal city just got more eco-friendly

Axpo Italia launches charging stations for e-cars in Rome

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People 13.09.2021

“The world of energy really fascinates me”

Trainee at Axpo: Annina Mehlisch

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Energy market 10.09.2021

How the electricity price is determined

Electricity price increases in Switzerland and Europe

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People 09.09.2021

"No place for silo thinking"

When an entire team is working part-time

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Renewable energy 07.09.2021

Equipe à grande vitesse

Axpo has significantly increased its team in France

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Renewable energy 03.09.2021

Fixed water usage levy no longer fit for purpose

Decision of the advisory committee of the Council of States (UREK)

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Renewable energy 02.09.2021

Solar: Prices dropping in Switzerland

EnergieSchweiz study on photovoltaics

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Renewable energy 26.08.2021

Urban safari

Bioparc Valencia relies on 100% green electricity

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People 23.08.2021

“Your learning path never ends”

Trainee alumni at Axpo: Sandro Renggli

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Renewable energy 18.08.2021

Splitting water

Hydrogen – a flexible energy carrier for the energy turnaround

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Renewable energy 12.08.2021

How does a Spanish tortilla become climate friendly?

Axpo Iberia supplies green electricity to potato producer Patatas Meléndez

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Renewable energy 10.08.2021

"Energy Payback Time" and more

Reliable facts on solar energy

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Renewable energy 05.08.2021

Stirring things up with a really big spoon

Hydrogen projects – Australia, Oman, Spain and Germany moving forward

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People 03.08.2021

“I grow with the challenges”

Trainee at Axpo: Kathrin Schweizer

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Renewable energy 02.08.2021

Technical potential of 9 to 11 GW

New study for photovoltaics on infrastructure in Switzerland

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Renewable energy 30.07.2021

Swiss Grand Canyon

En route in "Axpoland": Through the wild Rhine Gorge

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People 26.07.2021

A skyrocketing career step

Traineeships at Axpo

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Renewable energy 22.07.2021

Environmental refurbishment – mammoth task for hydropower

Balancing electricity production and environmental protection

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Renewable energy 08.07.2021

Learning to garden

A sprouting garden using soil products from Axpo Biomasse AG

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Renewable energy 01.07.2021

How high is your solar IQ?

Test you solar energy knowledge

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Renewable energy 29.06.2021

High electricity production during the winter

Study: Climate change is altering Switzerland's water balance

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Innovation 24.06.2021

Demand-side management becomes more important

Intelligent power load management holds potential

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Energy market 15.06.2021

Green power mix from Switzerland

Energy transition study by the ETH Lausanne – political framework conditions important

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Energy market 13.06.2021

"Six objectives for the energy debate"

Christoph Brand on the public debate

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Renewable energy 04.06.2021

Abundant electricity from the sun

Study shows: Wind and solar power could cover global energy demand by one hundred times.

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Renewable energy 31.05.2021

Shine with the sun

Solar quiz: Test your knowledge

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Renewable energy 28.05.2021

Renewable energy from horse manure

Axpo at the Longines CSIO St. Gallen jumping tournament

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Renewable energy 17.05.2021

An energy multi-talent

Hydrogen in practice

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Renewable energy 12.05.2021

Solar power for sweets

CKW: Solar contracting for chocolate manufacturer Aeschbach Chocolatier AG

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Energy market 11.05.2021

"Security of supply remains the responsibility of politicians and the administration"

Axpo CEO Christoph Brand: Reply to Federal Councillor Sommaruga

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Innovation 06.05.2021

iTAK – an Axpo innovation

Efficient solution for voltage conversions

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Innovation 06.05.2021

iTAK – an Axpo innovation

Efficient solution for voltage conversions

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Energy market 05.05.2021

Climate policy is energy policy

CO2 Act: Christoph Brand in L'Agefi

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Energy market 05.05.2021

Climate policy is energy policy

Global warming is the greatest challenge of the 21st century. With its ratification of the Paris Climate Agreement, Switzerland has committed to a 50-per cent reduction of its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

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Renewable energy 29.04.2021

Construction under consideration of the nature park

Underground power line in the Schaffhausen nature park

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Renewable energy 22.04.2021

Sharing key technologies

Hydrogen future: Axpo Italia and RINA to promote innovative projects

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Renewable energy 15.04.2021

EU Hydrogen Strategy

The EU focuses on a hydrogen economy and the integration of the energy system

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Renewable energy 15.04.2021

Hydrogen basics

Storing renewable energies

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Renewable energy 08.04.2021

Highway 4.0

Solar energy in the transport sector – research and pilot projects

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Renewable energy 25.03.2021

Axpo voted Portugal’s best 100% renewable energy supplier

Portuguese subsidiary Goldenergy chosen by consumers for top award

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Energy market 24.03.2021

Tightly interconnected European energy industry

Study on price development on wholesale power markets

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Sustainability 18.03.2021

How to shape sustainability and mobility for the future

Italian experts discuss hot energy topics at ‘Axpo Green Energy Solutions Talks’

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Renewable energy 17.03.2021

"Good basis for in-depth discussion"

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Energy market 11.03.2021

‘Switzerland would have handled the situation’

Power outage in Texas – what can be learned from it

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Renewable energy 04.03.2021

On the road to renewable power purchase agreements

Clean energy for Italian companies: Axpo Italia's ‘Green Route’ to corporate PPAs

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Renewable energy 23.02.2021

Power demand on the rise – strong growth in renewables and H2

McKinsey & Co.: Global Energy Perspective 2021

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Sustainability 18.02.2021

Help in need

Axpo Iberia supports energy efficiency measures of Portuguese SMEs

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Renewable energy 16.02.2021

"2/3 more winter power with alpine solar power plant"

Christoph Sutter, Head Division Renewables at Axpo, on the AlpinSolar project

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Energy market 16.02.2021

The way to achieve Switzerland’s energy transition

Guest commentary in the Tagesanzeiger from 13.02.2021

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Energy market 12.02.2021

How Axpo power plants prevented a blackout

Electricity shortage in north-western Europe

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Renewable energy 08.02.2021

Axpo no. 1 at solar auction in France

The Axpo subsidiary Urbasolar has gained a market share of 38 per cent in tenders for solar canopies.

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Energy market 04.02.2021

Full of energy on Class CNBC Italia

Axpo Italia launches new series on energy trading with leading Italian business TV channel

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Renewable energy 02.02.2021

Combined forces on the road

Successful integration and cooperation in the extended Berom team

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Renewable energy 28.01.2021

Solving the problem at the source

Solar plants cause voltage fluctuations

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Renewable energy 21.01.2021

Off to the mountains!

Enjoy the mountains and the cool alpine air at the Muttsee

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Renewable energy 21.01.2021

"We need a new solution for winter power"

Solar researcher Annelen Kahl on the solar project in the Glarus Alps

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Renewable energy 21.01.2021

Pioneer project above the fog line

Solar power from the Muttenalp

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Sustainability 13.01.2021

Quite sustainable on the road

Axpo CEO Christoph Brand on the importance of sustainability within the Group

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Energy market 08.01.2021

Green Deal: Consequences for Switzerland

The EU acquis is developing

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Renewable energy 06.01.2021

Solar energy will boom worldwide

World Energy Outlook of the International Energy Agency

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Renewable energy 04.01.2021

Smooth operator 2

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Renewable energy 30.11.2020

Strong tailwind for Axpo

Volkswind success at auctions in France

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Renewable energy 26.11.2020

"We will be among the top three PPA providers"

Axpo Deutschland plans to use the experience gained in other countries in 2021

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Renewable energy 25.11.2020

From construction site to grassy meadow

Recultivation following completion of the large-scale Linth-Limmern construction project

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Energy market 24.11.2020

Axpo Energy Voices

Alena Weibel, Axpo Head Public Affairs & Media Relations, on the first energy podcast in Switzerland

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Renewable energy 23.11.2020

A full load of sun for pizza and panettone

Axpo Italia builds a solar plant for the Italian bakery products supplier Italmill

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Sustainability 19.11.2020

Transitioning to a low-carbon economy

Axpo Iberia has developed into Spain’s fastest growing marketer of natural gas

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Energy market 17.11.2020

Being literally close to the customer

Axpo Finland moves into new premises in the World Trade Center Helsinki

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Energy market 13.11.2020

"We need energy"

Interview with Axpo CEO Christoph Brand

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Renewable energy 12.11.2020

Green electricity for more environmentally friendly chocolate packaging

Axpo Italia concludes PPA with traditional aluminum foil manufacturer

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Renewable energy 03.11.2020

Axpo Biomass in Eglisau

First success in implementing the expansion strategy

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Renewable energy 30.10.2020

Spectral play of colours on solar plant in Toulouse

The largest urban solar plant ever built

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Renewable energy 29.10.2020

Axpo at Disneyland Paris

Axpo and Disneyland Paris are building one of Europe's largest solar canopies

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Renewable energy 26.10.2020

Why cowpats can be good for the climate

Axpo Iberia signs Spain’s first long-term biomethane deal with pioneering milk farm

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Renewable energy 20.10.2020

Naturbett® horse bedding – made by Axpo

New innovative product

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Renewable energy 15.10.2020

Switzerland’s first digital hydropower plant

A key for innovative energy production

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Renewable energy 13.10.2020

Axpo turns its employees into solar entrepreneurs

Solar plant at Axpo headquarters oversubscribed by a factor more than 5

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Energy market 06.10.2020

Happy Birthday, Axpo Italia!

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Energy market 30.09.2020

An explanatory video about a cumbersome law

What the German Fuel Emissions Trading Act means for Axpo Germany's customers

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Innovation 28.09.2020

Replacement clamp from the 3D printer

Innovative asset management at Axpo

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Energy market 23.09.2020

"We must abandon energy policy ideologies"

Axpo CEO Christoph Brand in an interview with the NZZ

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Energy market 23.09.2020

Maximum funding efficiency through floating market premiums

Contribution to the debate on the new Energy Act/Part 2

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Energy market 22.09.2020

Creating suitable regulatory conditions

Contribution to the debate on the new Energy Act/Part 1

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Innovation 15.09.2020

Our future grid

The Grid 4.0 programme

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People 14.09.2020

"Be brave and follow your dreams"

Axpo Bulgaria’s new Managing Director Milena Videnova encourages female colleagues to join the energy industry

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Renewable energy 08.09.2020

Higher dams for more winter power

Expansion potential of existing reservoirs in Switzerland

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Renewable energy 04.09.2020

Self-consumption made easy

Básica, Óptima, and Premium: three solar solutions for all types of SMEs

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Renewable energy 02.09.2020

Winter power from house facades

Solar facades also have potential in Switzerland

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Renewable energy 26.08.2020

Is Tesla a potential PPA opponent?

The electric car boom in Germany is stirring up the power industry

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Renewable energy 20.08.2020

Solar power on top – potatoes down below

Dual use of agricultural land with agrivoltaics

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People 14.08.2020

Five days full of energy

A visit to the Axpo Football Camp in Buchs-Dällikon

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Innovation 06.08.2020

In search of the super battery

Empa promotes applied research

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Energy market 31.07.2020

Axpo Italia ranks among the Big Three now

Strong growth also in the gas business

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Renewable energy 29.07.2020

Solar power for Galliker Transport AG

Powerful solar farm for the Car House in Altishofen

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Renewable energy 24.07.2020

We need better incentives for sustainable electricity

Switzerland has the wrong instruments for promoting renewable energies. A guest article by Thomas Sieber (Chairman of the Board of Directors Axpo) and Gianni Operto (President AEE) published in the Tages Anzeiger of 20 July 2020.

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Energy market 22.07.2020

"We want to help SMEs to get back to normal"

Axpo has been active in Portugal for five years

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People 09.07.2020

“No obstacles to women's professional development”

How Axpo Iberia supports the career of female managers.

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Renewable energy 08.07.2020

Visit the Smart Energy Lab

We have the ideal program for you when the sun is not shining and the raindrops are falling: A visit to the Smart Energy Lab.

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Renewable energy 24.06.2020

Solar roof in Baden

Fabio Giddey, solar technician at CKW, about the solar system at the Baden campus

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Innovation 18.06.2020

World 4.0: Axpo in the digital age

First steps taken in transformation process

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Energy market 15.06.2020

Post-corona energy and climate policy

First virtual Axpo live stream session

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Sustainability 10.06.2020

Special stork rescue operation

A very special assignment for Axpo linesmen

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Sustainability 10.06.2020

Special stork rescue operation

A very special assignment for Axpo linesmen

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Energy market 05.06.2020

Axpo Italia comes first in customer orientation survey

Best partner to customers during Covid-19 crisis with traffic light initiative

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Renewable energy 03.06.2020

"Not all electricity is the same"

New Smart Energy Lab at Umwelt Arena Spreitenbach

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Renewable energy 02.06.2020

"The floating market premium is the more effective solution"

Christoph Sutter, Head of New Energies at Axpo, talks about his experience with the "floating market premium" in the international environment.

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Innovation 27.05.2020

Charging electric vehicles with trolley bus power

Innovative CKW pilot project in Kriens

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Renewable energy 20.05.2020

Hydropower: A storable energy

So much energy is available in Swiss reservoirs

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Renewable energy 14.05.2020

How do you produce electricity from the sun?

Test your energy knowledge (3)

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Energy market 11.05.2020

Demand for electricity falls by five percent

The International Energy Agency (IAE) expects global electricity demand to fall by five percent in 2020, and by as much as ten percent in certain regions severely affected by the Covid 19 pandemic.

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Renewable energy 06.05.2020

Green electricity for fuel supply chains

Axpo Iberia signs long-term PPA with leading petroleum supplier CLH Group

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Sustainability 28.04.2020

Axpo Italia at the forefront in the fight against the corona virus

Direct support for impacted regions and customers

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Energy market 24.04.2020

Where will our future power supply come from

We can’t just rely on imports. What we need is a Swiss formula: PV+Hy+60

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Renewable energy 21.04.2020

"We demand a floating market premium"

Axpo President of the Board Thomas Sieber in an interview with CH Media

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Renewable energy 09.04.2020

Electricity from hydropower

Test your energy knowledge (2)

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Renewable energy 30.03.2020

Producing carbon-neutral fuel from renewable energy

Axpo Nordic supplies wind power for environmentally friendly power-to-fuel-project in Sweden

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Renewable energy 27.03.2020

Solar power from the greenhouse

What raspberries, weather and power production have in common

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Energy market 24.03.2020

How is electricity generated?

Electricity is generated in a variety of ways. Whether hydropower or nuclear energy, wind or solar energy, each form of production has its strengths and weaknesses. Do you know them?

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Renewable energy 19.03.2020

Run-of-river hydropower – in simple terms

Hydropower supplies around 60 percent of the energy produced in Switzerland. This is good, because electricity from hydropower is renewable, indigenous, reliable and climate-friendly (CO2-free).

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Renewable energy 13.03.2020

Urbasolar is building a 5-MWp solar plant near Toulouse

13,888 floating solar panels

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Energy market 10.03.2020

The ABC’s of energy terminology

Do you speak volts, watts and hertz?

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Energy market 05.03.2020

A climate-neutral Switzerland by 2050

Renewable power as the key to our future

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Energy market 03.03.2020

A premiere for Swissgrid

For the first time, a 380-kilovolt high-voltage cable is being laid in the ground

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Renewable energy 25.02.2020

Smooth operator

Switzerland's storage power plants supply important power during the winter.

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Renewable energy 18.02.2020

Solar energy from Swiss rooftops

Study by the ETH Lausanne: Solar potential amounts to about 24 TWh

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Renewable energy 11.02.2020

Cutting through the wall

How the Isola dam at San Bernardino is being restructured

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People 10.02.2020

A football day full of fun

The ball is rolling again: 15 football teams from German-speaking Switzerland met in Herrliberg on 8 February for the first Axpo-PluSport Cup of the year.

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Sustainability 03.02.2020

Renewable – climate-friendly – smart

This is how Axpo contributes towards achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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Energy market 28.01.2020

Getting away from coal and nuclear

Expensive and controversial German energy turnaround

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Renewable energy 13.01.2020

"It's time for a green economy"

Claudia Casciaro about the strategic direction of Axpo Biomasse AG

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Energy market 08.01.2020

Green Deal: What the EU wants

A climate-neutral Europe by the year 2050

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Renewable energy 06.12.2019

Switzerland should rely on solar energy

National Fund researchers: An important role for hydropower

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Renewable energy 03.12.2019

Tailor-made trading strategies, increasing returns

Axpo is using data science to support the marketing of wind power across Europe

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Renewable energy 25.11.2019

Solar power from the mountains

Studies indicate: Photovoltaics can produce lots of electricity at high altitudes during the winter

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Energy market 12.11.2019

Betting on the right horse

Study on PPA market potential: Demand increasing rapidly

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Renewable energy 31.10.2019

"It won't happen without investments"

SP National Councilman Roger Nordmann a guest at Axpo

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Renewable energy 28.10.2019

High taxes penalise Swiss Producers

The international competitiveness of Swiss hydropower

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Renewable energy 25.10.2019

Profiting from low interest rates

ETH study on the competitiveness of renewable energies

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Renewable energy 10.10.2019

Wind power for affordable cars

Axpo Energy Romania cooperates with Dacia and VERBUND

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Innovation 04.10.2019

"Think inside the box"

Sometimes an unusual setting is enough to generate fresh ideas

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Energy market 03.10.2019

Swiss National Day in Brussels

Axpo sponsors annual Soirée Suisse of the Swiss Mission to the EU

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Innovation 26.09.2019

Axpo occupies Europaallee

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Energy market 25.09.2019

"Beznau – an engineering masterpiece"

The importance of the Beznau nuclear power plant in the Canton of Aargau

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Renewable energy 18.09.2019

Urbasolar and the City

The Axpo subsidiary starts building Toulouse's largest solar energy park in an urban environment

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Innovation 15.09.2019

Curtailing power peaks

How peak shaving balances the grid and generates income

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Innovation 12.09.2019

Batteries of the future

Their use – research work

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Renewable energy 10.09.2019

Hydro 4.0

First digital hydropower plant in Switzerland

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Energy market 04.09.2019

"The Young Soul"

The third generation and the opportunities for change

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Renewable energy 29.08.2019

Overhead canopies: Solar power from the parking lot

How the Axpo subsidiary Urbasolar generates power from parking areas

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Energy market 27.08.2019

Enough power for the future?

An objective perspective on security of supply

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Energy market 23.08.2019

"Only the best is good enough"

The second generation and the island culture

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Energy market 14.08.2019

Bright sunshine in all directions

The solar energy business is booming throughout Europe

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Energy market 06.08.2019

Role model Kurt Küffer

The first nuclear power plant director in Switzerland created the "we" feeling

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Renewable energy 29.07.2019

"PV will become mass marketable"

The founders of the Axpo subsidiary Urbasolar in a video interview

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Renewable energy 26.07.2019

Energy and nature united

The Klingnau Reservoir and its many facets

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Energy market 23.07.2019

"Everyone pulling together"

The first generation and the Beznau Spirit

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Energy market 19.07.2019

"Doing nothing will result in a major power deficit"

Interview with Empa researcher Martin Rüdisüli

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Energy market 15.07.2019

Three generations

Testimonies on the 50 years of the Beznau nuclear power plant

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Energy market 11.07.2019

Electricity demand will double until 2050

McKinsey's outlook on global energy perspectives

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People 09.07.2019

Integration through sports at PluSport Day

Axpo Kids & Family Day and Axpo Corner 2019

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Renewable energy 03.07.2019

In love with clean electricity

EROS Electric guarantees renewable, local, CO2-neutral power for electric vehicles

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Renewable energy 28.06.2019

Renewable, but not infinite

How much potential is there in Swiss hydropower?

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Energy market 26.06.2019

"A piece of Swiss heritage"

Mike Dost, Director of the Beznau nuclear power plant, on the 50-year anniversary of KKB

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People 19.06.2019

Unforgettable moments

Axpo football camps for children and young people

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Energy market 18.06.2019

"The most independent, reliable energy supplier"

The beginnings of nuclear energy in Switzerland

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Renewable energy 13.06.2019

The sun is rising in Évora

PPA from Axpo enables commissioning of huge solar park in Portugal

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Energy market 04.06.2019

High up to the ibexes

New passenger cableway at Limmern pumped storage plant

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Sustainability 29.05.2019

The Japanese learning from Axpo

Why KEPCO is in Baden learning about sustainable development goals

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Energy market 23.05.2019

50 years Beznau nuclear power plant

The benefits of a secure domestic power supply

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Renewable energy 15.05.2019


There's lots of energy in banana skins

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Innovation 13.05.2019

Smart people work for Axpo

With a good portion of creativity and know-how to an innovative solution

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Renewable energy 09.05.2019

Energy from organic waste?

How this works and what else Axpo is involved in

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Renewable energy 07.05.2019

A PPA in three weeks and six days

Axpo Nordic concludes complex deal in record time

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Renewable energy 02.05.2019

"An agile and very successful SME"

Mister Renewables Christoph Sutter zum Kauf von Urbasolar

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Renewable energy 02.05.2019

The solar power business

Urbasolar develops photovoltaic systems since 2006

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Renewable energy 25.04.2019

"Mediator between producers and consumers"

Why Axpo sees great potential in the international PPA business

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Energy market 23.04.2019

Beznau 50-year anniversary

Half a century of climate-friendly power production

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Renewable energy 17.04.2019

A climate-friendly energy system

Switzerland ranks second in the WEF's "Energy Transition Index"

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Renewable energy 05.04.2019

Green electricity for e-bike charging stations

Axpo Iberia now supplies Madrid's urban transport services

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Energy market 02.04.2019

Nuclear energy as a key bridging technology

Where do things stand with the Energy Strategy 2050 goals?

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Renewable energy 25.03.2019

"Photovoltaics has a future"

Christoph Sutter on the opportunities for solar energy development

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Energy market 19.03.2019

Because I’m happy

Axpo employees from all over the world celebrate the title as the best power trader in the world

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Energy market 11.03.2019

Switzerland - a power pioneer

Figures on the topic of energy - and a look into the past

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People 07.03.2019

Vamos, Carabanchel, vamos!

Axpo is supporting a traditional Spanish football club

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Renewable energy 27.02.2019

Eco-power for soil

Axpo liquid fertiliser

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Renewable energy 19.02.2019

How the solar cell found the spotlight

Alexandre Edmond Becquerel and the story of photovoltaics

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Renewable energy 13.02.2019

Where the wind blows

Wind atlas for Switzerland with updated data

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Innovation 13.02.2019

"Green electricity straight from the producer"

This online platform makes it possible to obtain environmentally friendly electricity from the region

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Energy market 07.02.2019

In a new guise

Axpo with a new stand at E-world

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People 07.02.2019

Originator, amplificator

A day with Johannes Pretel at E-world

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Renewable energy 01.02.2019

Cuddling by the fire

Comfortable warmth with firewood from Axpo Tegra

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Renewable energy 28.01.2019

Strong in PPA

We have the know-how

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Renewable energy 28.01.2019

PPAs on the agenda

What awaits Axpo at this year's E-world

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Renewable energy 28.01.2019

Number 1 in green electricity

Axpo markets approx. 14,000 MW in Europe

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Commitment 28.01.2019


Not just a buzzword for Axpo

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Renewable energy 25.01.2019

The dark side of the energy turnaround

A great deal has gone wrong in Germany's transformation of the power system

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Renewable energy 24.01.2019

Nature knows no mercy

The Mauvoisin power plants are at nature's mercy in winter and in summer.

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Renewable energy 17.01.2019

Power from the mountains

The high mountains offer less than ideal conditions for wind power

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Energy market 10.01.2019

Dishwashing? No thanks!

Figures on the topic of energy - and a good excuse.

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Commitment 08.01.2019

Committed to society

CEO Andrew Walo looks back on a sustainable 2018

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Energy market 06.12.2018

The Star of Laufenburg interconnection

A milestone for the pan-European electricity industry

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Energy market 30.11.2018

A start-up genius

Who invented it: Werner von Siemens and the dynamo

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People 26.11.2018

Follow me

The final PluSport Cup with a surprise

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Innovation 15.11.2018

A smart solution

Sustainably designed housing development in Küssnacht am Rigi

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Innovation 06.11.2018

Agile movers

Using machine learning and artificial intelligence

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Sustainability 30.10.2018

Environmental footprint

Axpo's environmental product declarations for power plants

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Innovation 25.10.2018

An important topic

The trends in digitalisation

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Innovation 24.10.2018

Calculating robot

Three examples of the digitalisation process at Axpo

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Energy market 22.10.2018

Earthquake hazard "exaggerated"

The supervisory authority ENSI’s statement on a hazardous nuclear power plant incident occurring only every 10,000 years

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Renewable energy 11.10.2018

Hydropower: Expansion target endangered

Energy Strategy 2050 and environmental concerns in conflict

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Renewable energy 08.10.2018

What is the most efficient lighting?

Facts and figures on the topic of energy

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Renewable energy 04.10.2018

For a good climate footprint

Christian Giezendanner knows why composting makes sense

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Renewable energy 28.09.2018

Axpo and its castles

Building surge tanks for energy production

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Energy market 21.09.2018

Power plants: Capacities are dropping

Less security of supply in Europe

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Innovation 20.09.2018

Aerial inspections with drones

Axpo Grids expands service business

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People 14.09.2018

Children's heroes

The coaches at the Axpo football camps

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Renewable energy 05.09.2018

Proper disposal pays off

The advantages of waste separation - for you and the environment

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Sustainability 27.08.2018

A team for six years

Axpo works together with arwo, a charity foundation for people with disabilities

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Renewable energy 16.08.2018

Connected as a partner

Axpo and its hydropower plants - Who recognises our assets?

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Energy market 31.07.2018

The Mastermind

Who invented it - Thomas Alva Edison and the light bulb

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Energy market 30.07.2018

Let there be light

Energy facts and figures

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Renewable energy 26.07.2018

Happy cows, happy farmer

The advantages of Axpo compost bedding

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People 10.07.2018

Together full of energy

The Axpo Kids & Family Day 2018

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Energy market 04.07.2018

With the brakes on

Hydropower: Approx. 500 million francs needed for replacement investments

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Innovation 02.07.2018

Choosing your own power mix

Blockchain is revolutionising energy trading

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Energy market 13.06.2018

No radiation risk

Beznau safe in the case of earthquakes

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Renewable energy 06.06.2018

Plastic bags in organic waste

A challenge for the Kompogas plants

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Innovation 05.06.2018

Grid planning with the push of a button

Axpo presents an innovative tool at the 2018 "Powertagen" fair

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Renewable energy 25.05.2018

Water's power

Off to nature in the High Rhine region – to eleven hydropower plants

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People 23.05.2018

Something very special

The first Axpo PluSport Cup in Eastern Switzerland

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Renewable energy 22.05.2018

Swiss larch...

...makes for a tidy garden

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Renewable energy 22.05.2018

"Every wind power plant feeds a giant database"

The challenges in the wind industry

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Renewable energy 22.05.2018

Solar System: How it works

How electric energy is produced from sunlight

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Renewable energy 18.05.2018

Priority for electric vehicles

Axpo expands its e-mobility network in Italy

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Renewable energy 16.05.2018

Blowin' in the Wind

Hard times for wind power in Switzerland

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Renewable energy 15.05.2018

A Big Mac becomes energy

Axpo and McDonald's have been cooperating since 2009

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Renewable energy 14.05.2018

"The wind business is doing well"

Christoph Sutter, Head of New Energies, on the development of the Axpo wind portfolio

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Innovation 10.05.2018

Man or machine, which is better?

Energy trading: How technical analysis can support traders

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Innovation 09.05.2018

Power right from the producer

Elblox - the new online marketplace for locally produced green electricity

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Renewable energy 08.05.2018

Working in the wind

Operations at the "Axpo" Global Tech I wind farm

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Renewable energy 07.05.2018

More than just a breeze

Wind energy is an important market of the future for Axpo.

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Energy market 02.05.2018

"KKB is in good condition"

Mike Dost, Head of Beznau, on KKB 1

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Innovation 23.04.2018

On the keys, ready, go!

Three days of programming in a row - and what comes out of it

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Innovation 18.04.2018

"Painting by numbers" using helicopters and lasers

LIDAR technology enables the efficient surveying of overhead power lines across great distances

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People 17.04.2018

"I like doing things for others"

Committed for the Integration of people with disabilities

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Renewable energy 17.04.2018

Inside a dam

A look into the Zervreila hydropower plant

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Energy market 13.04.2018

A Scotsman generates steam

Who invented it: James Watt

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Renewable energy 09.04.2018

Close to the wind

Global Tech I deliveries energy for nearly 445,000 households

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Renewable energy 04.04.2018

More wind with Axpo

Making wind projects possible with know-how and market proximity

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Innovation 03.04.2018

The grid of the future is smart

Intelligent grids and their importance in Switzerland

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Renewable energy 02.04.2018

Hydropower does not come free

Property reversion and new concessions for hydropower plants

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Sustainability 29.03.2018

Fair and clean

Sustainability is more than a buzzword

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Energy market 28.03.2018

What the PSW Limmern can do

A big battery in the mountains

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Renewable energy 28.03.2018

Environmentalists' dilemma

Green energy and nature in harmony – can that work?

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Innovation 23.03.2018

Etzel substation ready for operation

Increased security of supply with a climate-friendly world premier

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Renewable energy 22.03.2018

Hydropower - local and clean

Amazing figures on hydroelectric power plants

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Renewable energy 14.03.2018

Missing money

The profitability of Swiss hydropower: A study

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Energy market 13.03.2018

Nine “gold medals” for the energy traders

Axpo tops the "Energy Risk" survey again

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Energy market 06.03.2018

KKB unit 1: What's next

Axpo executives address the public

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Energy market 06.03.2018

"Safety is ensured"

ENSI gives green light for Beznau Unit 1

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Energy market 28.02.2018

Magnetic fields and electricity

Who discovered it: André Marie Ampère

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Commitment 23.02.2018

"I was very pleased to receive the award"

Axpo CEO Andrew Walo on EcoVadis' top rating

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Energy market 16.02.2018

All about power masts

The basis for reliable electricity transport

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International business 08.02.2018

The CEO visits Axpo U.S. and E-world

Group management focusing on the international customer business

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Energy market 31.01.2018

Electricity's journey

How Axpo’s power reaches the electrical outlet

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Energy market 12.01.2018

When dead frogs twitch

Who invented it: Alessandro Volta and the battery

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Innovation 09.01.2018

Digitalisation: Far advanced

Axpo's role in the fourth industrial revolution

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Energy market 05.01.2018

Repairmen deployed due to Burglind

Emergency for Axpo grid operations

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Sustainability 08.12.2017

"A tree for every new customer"

Axpo Iberia supports reforestation after fires in Portugal

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Renewable energy 29.11.2017

Hydropower: Do the melting glaciers help?

ETH researchers identify locations for future hydropower

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Innovation 21.11.2017

Digitalisation advancing fast

How Axpo is shaping the energy future

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Energy market 18.10.2017

Expand crisis-proof data communication

Axpo joins forces with WZ-Systems AG

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People 13.09.2017

A day among peers

The last Axpo PluSport Cup event in 2017

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Energy market 07.09.2017

Magic with control energy

How fluctuations in production and consumption are managed

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Innovation 14.08.2017

Enormous potential

McKinsey: Opportunities and risks in battery storage systems

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Renewable energy 04.08.2017

Geothermal heat islands

Unutilised energy potential lies below the ground in urban areas

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People 06.07.2017

"No free lunch"

Managing risks in the energy business – an Axpo strength

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Renewable energy 04.07.2017

Producing power with kites

Researchers are working on innovative wind power plants

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People 23.06.2017

"I am here for the expertise"

The European Energy Workshop in Amsterdam

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Renewable energy 30.05.2017

In harmony with nature

CKW produces electricity with wind power for 600 households in the Entlebuch

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Renewable energy 15.05.2017

Strong winds at Axpo

From development to marketing

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People 03.05.2017

The big debut

Axpo PluSport players as line-up kids at the match between GC and Lugano

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Innovation 27.04.2017

Interviewing from home

Axpo HR uses time-shifted video interviews for recruiting

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People 24.04.2017

Hand in Hand

Twenty-two line-up kids at the Letzigrund stadium

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Renewable energy 15.04.2017

Every little bit helps

Small rivers and residual water to produce power

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Renewable energy 11.04.2017

Free ride for fish

Eglisau-Glattfelden hydro power plant: Elevator and ladder for fish

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Renewable energy 31.03.2017


Beznau, Eglisau, Klingnau: In harmony with nature

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Innovation 30.03.2017

Full of efficient energy

These technical innovations benefit everyone

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Renewable energy 23.03.2017

More melt water until 2050

How climate change impacts hydropower

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Renewable energy 17.03.2017

Renewable – reliable – domestic!

Axpo is the largest producer of hydropower in Switzerland

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People 07.03.2017

Soccer player with a heart…for kids

Ex Swiss National Team goalie runs Axpo football camps for Kids

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Energy market 13.02.2017

Coal is the culprit

The collapse of electricity prices: Commodity prices are to blame

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Renewable energy 12.12.2016

Is Axpo a renewable company?

Are you familiar with our assets? Test yourself.

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Renewable energy 01.11.2016

A photovoltaic system at the Muttsee – An option for the future

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Energy market 25.10.2016

How Axpo saves electricity

This film explains how Axpo Grids (Assets) supports sustainability

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Energy market 11.09.2016

Magnificent weather for a magnificent piece of work!

Report: Christening of the Muttsee dam

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Energy market 30.08.2016

The dam holds what it promises!

Limmern pumped storage plant: First reservoir filling on the Muttenalp

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