"I was able to take on responsibility right from the start "

After obtaining his master’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at EPFL, Jordan started his traineeship at Axpo. He ended it early, after his second rotation, in order to take on a permanent position as a Junior Quantitative Analyst in the Origination department. In this position, he improves quantitative models, then applies them directly to achieve quick results. Jordan’s day-to-day tasks also include the development of new market opportunities and the expansion of Axpo’s business in various countries.

Jordan Metz

Function: Junior Quantitaive Analyst

Trainee Alumni: Trainee Quant Analyst

Background: MSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at EPFL  

Assignments: Quant Development TIM, Balancing & Optimization in Origination

What was your motivation to start a traineeship at Axpo?

I started my studies in Electrical Engineering with a view to working in the energy sector, especially renewables. Since I didn’t know exactly what role would suit me best, I thought a traineeship could help me find out. Axpo was the best opportunity as it was the only Swiss electrical utility offering traineeships. Furthermore, I liked the culture and values of Axpo.

What is the most memorable/valuable experience you had during your traineeship?

During my traineeship I worked with talented colleagues, from whom I was able to learn a lot in the field of optimization and short-term trading. In particular, I was able to develop some algorithmic trading, which was a great experience for me.

How do the skills you learned during the traineeship support you in your tasks today?

At the end of my second rotation, I took on a permanent position in the same team, in the Origination department. So the skills I learned in the traineeship were exactly suited to my current position.

Why was the traineeship the ideal career start for you? How did it help you obtain your current position?

A traineeship was a good career start for me because it gave me the opportunity to learn new things, to take on increasing responsibility and to experience different roles in the company. It was a smooth start to my working life, which I don’t regret at all. Also, with no prior contacts in the energy industry, this traineeship helped me build relationships and gave me access to an interesting position, which I never could have had as a new graduate.

How has your everyday work changed when you compare your day-to-day during the traineeship and your permanent position now?

I’m still working in the same team as in my last rotation of the traineeship, so the day-to-day work hasn’t changed dramatically, though it remains very varied. What has changed for me, is the increase in responsibility within the team.

How does the trainee community and network you cultivated during your traineeship support you in your work now?

I’m still in contact with some other trainees and I have built relationships with colleagues in other teams and departments, which really helps to have a wider view of Axpo. It’s great to have people who share the same kind of experience and with whom you can talk about career path, challenges, and experiences.

Did Jordan’s experience with his traineeship at Axpo spark your curiosity? You can find more information about it here. We look forward to hopefully meeting you during the recruitment process!

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