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choose your offer

Fixed or variable price billing? We have flexible energy and gas purchase models to fit your company's needs.


fill out the form

We will contact you, discuss the details of the offer and prepare your contract.


sign the contract, it's done!

Fast, safe, online. We will complete all the formalities for you!

Discover the benefits of choosing Axpo

Comfortable process for switching suppliers

Without leaving home or waiting for a parcel courier. Axpo provides minimum paperwork and comfort with Autenti e-signature - simply, safely, via smartphone, tablet or computer!


The one and only offer

Fixed or variable price? For 2 or 4 years? You choose! We have flexible energy and gas purchase models to tailor to your needs.


With respect for the environment

No printed documents and with green energy as standard! Included in the price offered by Axpo is the coverage of all energy consumption with guarantees of origin or other certificates certifying the generation of energy from renewable sources.

What is the process of switching supplier?

Switching suppliers is advantageous for a number of reasons, among which the first is savings - most often the lower amount on the invoice, in addition to the attractive price of energy itself, consists of the presence of additional fees, their amount (such as the commercial fee).

The whole process is not particularly complicated and you will realize it in a few steps. First of all, it does not involve interference with the installation, changing meters or interruption of supply. It is a completely safe process, and Axpo handles all the formalities on behalf of the customer through a power of attorney.

After the supplier change, your company will be connected as before to the network of the local DSO (Distribution Network Operator). This means that the fees for distribution service determined on the basis of tariff rates approved by the URE will not change, only the price of electricity will result from the contract concluded with Axpo.

Remember that only with us, the energy used in your company, will be fully covered by guarantees of origin or other certificates certifying the generation of energy from renewable sources. In addition, the very process of changing the seller in Axpo is free of charge, and the benefits in the form of savings, efficient customer service or stable terms of cooperation may not be overestimated!


Issues related to changing energy and gas supplier

Any customer, that is, anyone who receives or consumes electricity or gas on the basis of a contract with the electricity/gas company, can change the supplier. 

There is no such possibility. Distribution companies are the natural monopolist in a given area, so after switching supplier, the customer remains with the same distributor. Only the supplier is changed.

The only necessary action is to sign a sales contract with a power of attorney to carry out the supplier change process. Remember that you can do this via the Internet. The rest of the formalities will be completed on your behalf by our specialists - and free of charge!

A power of attorney is needed to carry out the process of changing energy supplier on your behalf, specifically, to notify your company with the Distribution System Operator. We will complete the paperwork with the DSO for the change of supplier to Axpo. The power of attorney does not authorize us to do anything else on your behalf. In short, we only need it to save you time and carry out the formalities for you free of charge. 

No, switching supplier to Axpo is free, and we handle all the formalities on your behalf. It is worth remembering that other supplier sometimes charge fees associated with the process. 

The supplier change should not take more than 30 days from the moment you sign the contract with Axpo. You will receive an email or SMS notification at each stage of the supplier switching process. It may happen that your current supplier has extended the notice period or prevented termination during the contract. In such exceptional cases, the process of switching to Axpo may be prolonged, of which you will be informed by us.

At any time! If you currently have an indefinite contract, we can change your supplier in 30 days. If you have a fixed-term contract, our specialists will see if we can offer you a better deal and terminate your current contract earlier.

No. Switching supplier is easy. As a result, there is no possibility that the supply of electricity will be interrupted. This is guaranteed by the provision that the contract with the new supplier will not take effect until the contract with the previous supplier is terminated.

No, there is no such need. All actions are on the part of Axpo, which terminates the contract on behalf of the client based on the power of attorney. 

Local distributor (not to be confused with an energy or gas supplier). Therefore, any reports related to breakdowns or problems with energy supply should be directed to the distributor. 

The distributor is not allowed to engage in discriminatory practices. Signing a distribution contract obliges him to fix faults and provide other services within a certain period of time. At all times, the safety of the customer is supervised by state institutions, including the Energy Regulatory Authority. 

  • We will select the best price offer and show you what savings you can get.
  • If you change your supplier, we will guarantee that every MWh sold by us will be covered by guarantees of origin or other certificates certifying the generation of energy from renewable sources.
  • We aim to make our cooperation as simple as possible and always of high quality, so we will offer a transparent contract with the possibility of signing it online and easy billing with the help of My Axpo e-BOK and e-invoice. 

Issues related to the offer

We offer competitive energy prices because we purchase energy directly from the Polish Power Exchange. In addition, unlike other energy companies, we do not impose additional fees that increase bills, and our customers benefit only from green energy!

  • The *“offer” available on the site and the terms and conditions presented do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code, 
  • the sending of a draft Agreement by Axpo does not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code, 
  • confirmation of receipt of the offer (signed by the User of the draft Agreement) does not constitute its acceptance,
  • The Agreement is concluded as soon as the User receives from Axpo a confirmation of the conclusion of the Agreement together with a link to the Agreement, however Axpo may not accept the Customer's offer, i.e. refuse to conclude the Agreement under the terms of the Regulations.

Your price will depend on the price list, which is created based on current energy and gas prices on the Polish Power Exchange, the tariff group you have, the number of energy or gas consumption points and the length of the contract.

Axpo Poland is part of the Axpo Group, headquartered in Switzerland, which is a generator, trading partner and supplier of energy to 3 million customers in more than 30 countries (including 35,000 in Poland from the SME segment).

More than 100 years of presence in the European market and nearly 25 years of operations in Poland are proof of our experience. Combining this expertise with financial stability is a share capital in Poland of PLN 241,250,000, which gives us the confidence to deliver the services we offer.

An energy tariff is a pricing plan based on which electricity suppliers offer electricity to their customers. If you want to find out what tariff group you have, look at your current energy bill.

PPE means “point of power consumption,” and PPG means “point of gas consumption.” 

If there is more than one metering device (meter) at a single address, each of them is a separate point of consumption. Each PPE/PPG has an identification number assigned by the DSO. You will find your PPE/PPG number on your current invoice.

OSD stands for “distribution system operator,” which is commonly referred to as “operator” or “distributor.” Distribution system operators have the infrastructure necessary to transmit energy to your business and vary depending on the region in which your business is located. You will find the name of your DSO on your invoice for distribution services.

Your current invoice (i.e., one that is no older than 6 months) contains a range of individual information (e.g., energy point number, current kWh rate), which is essential for preparing the calculation of real savings and the contract, and will allow us to smoothly go through the switching supplier process.

Issues related to signing a contract online

Yes! When concluding a contract over the Internet, we use Autenti electronic signature. This is a secure and convenient method.

Safe, because you are guaranteed that you are signing a document in which the content cannot be changed and no one but you can see it. You also have the assurance of confirming your identity with SMS verification. With Autenti technology, we encrypt your data with a 256-bit key, use a premium EV SSL certificate, use cryptographic algorithms and fully securely archive your data.

Convenient because it doesn't matter where you are - at work, at home or on the go - all you need is an email connection and you can sign the contract on your smartphone, tablet or laptop.

Autenti is an online document authorization and contracting platform. The combination of innovative technology and the legal environment allows you to conclude an electronic signature.

With Autenti's innovative technology, your data is encrypted with a 256-bit key, secured with a Premium EV SSL certificate and cryptographic algorithms. You are assured of secure data archiving and identity verification via email and SMS.

The contract and power of attorney signed by Autenti are legally binding throughout the European Union. Autenti's electronic signature meets the requirements of the Civil Code and the eIDAS regulation.