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Axpo Polska What do we do?

Our customers benefit from tailor-made offers for the purchase and supply of energy and gas based on structured and long-term contracts, balancing, trading of property rights and guarantees of origin.

We are also providing services to approximately 35,000 companies in the small and medium-sized business segment, offering energy exclusively with offering energy with a certified origin from renewable energy sources.

While supporting the country's energy transition, we are also implementing large-scale photovoltaic projects and developing energy storage facilities as well as biogas power plants. We work with investors, customers and landowners to build our own generation and storage sources in Poland.

Our business lines

Sales of energy, gas and energy cost optimisation products and energy offtake from micro and small photovoltaic installations

Full support in selecting a solution tailored to your needs and consumption profile. We are already trusted by 35,000 customers in the small and medium-sized business sector.

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Energy and gas sales to large corporate customers and  energy offtake from renewable sources

Our contracts have resulted in nearly 23.5% of wind and 14.9% of photovoltaic power plant capacity in Poland.

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Purchase of energy, gas and other products on European energy exchanges

We are an active participant in the Polish Power Exchange, the European Energy Exchange and the Danish TTF, the largest gas exchange in Europe.

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Photovoltaic farms for business customers and leasing of land from local owners

The photovoltaic project development team has been active since spring 2022. We work with landowners, investors and business clients to build their own solar power plants in the country.

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Development of energy storage facilities

Energy storage systems are designed to balance fluctuations in electricity supply and demand and stabilise the electricity grid. They also make it possible to integrate additional renewable energy sources into the grid.

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Biogas Projects

At the beginning of October 2024, we became the owners of a biogas plant in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship. The facility produces approximately 6,640 MWh of electricity annually, as well as carbon-neutral organic fertilizer (known as digestate). The electricity generated is fed into the grid, while the digestate is used to fertilize fields by local farm owners in the region.