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Privacy policy | Axpo

This Privacy Policy and cookies (hereinafter, the "Privacy Policy") provides detailed information on how AXPO, as well as all the companies in its group, uses and protects your personal data when you browse our website or through any site of the companies of our group (hereinafter, the “Website”), as well as the rights that assist you in this regard.

This Privacy Policy is applicable to the processing of personal data that you provide to us or that we obtain from You when you access and use the Website, either to browse it, acquire our products or services, request information, contact We, present a candidacy or make use of the functionalities or services available on the Website.

AXPO respects your right to privacy and complies with current legislation on the protection of personal data, including Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC ("GDPR"), applicable as of May 25, 2018, as well as any other rule that may develop or complement it in the future.

We recommend that you carefully review our Privacy Policy to ensure that you understand how your personal data will be used when browsing the Website.


Topic overview

The person responsible for the processing is the legal person that determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data. In other words, the person in charge decides how and for what purposes personal data is processed.

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, the person responsible for the processing of personal data is AXPO IBERIA, SL with registered office Pº Castellana 95, 20th floor, 28046-Madrid-Spain, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Volume 17235, Folio 100 , Sheet & nbsp; M-295375; and with CIF B83160994.

If you have any questions or wish to receive more information about the treatment or protection of your personal data, you can contact us through any of the following ways:

  • Responsible for the treatment: AXPO
  • Postal Address: Pº Castellana 95, 20th floor, 28046-Madrid-Spain
  • Email: protecciondedatos@axpo.com

You can also contact our Data Protection Delegate (DPD) at the following email address: dpo.iberia@axpo.com;


The functions of the DPD for AXPO are:

  • Inform and advise AXPO and its employees on the obligations of the Data Protection legislation;
  • Supervise compliance with the Data Protection regulations, including the assignment of responsibilities, awareness and training of personnel involved in the processing operations, and the corresponding audits.
  • Cooperate with the different Control Authorities regarding Data Protection.
  • Act as a point of contact with the Control Authorities for issues related to the processing of personal data carried out by AXPO.

For the purposes established in this Privacy Policy, AXPO collects and processes the personal data detailed below:

  • Identification data, name, surname, identity document (tax identification number or code, foreigner identification number, passport or residence permit).
  • Contact information: postal address, email, landline number, mobile phone number.
  • Transactional data: information on purchases, orders, contracts, billing and collection, payment methods, bank details and any data related to your transactions with us.
  • Electronic data: Data are collected from own and third-party cookies (Google Analytics). This information is contained in the Section (cookies) and Google Analytics.

AXPO does not intentionally collect information about minors, unless it has the express consent of their parents or legal guardians. You guarantee to be over 14 years old. If you have evidence or suspect that AXPO has personal data of minors, please contact us through any of the channels indicated in section 3 of this Privacy Policy protecciondedatos@axpo.com and proceed to its elimination

AXPO collects and processes the personal data that you voluntarily provide us through your interaction with our Website, specifically:

  • when requesting information or quotes about our products and services
  • by subscribing to our Newsletter
  • when purchasing AXPO products or services

You will only be obliged to provide the personal data that is necessary for AXPO to provide the services or make available to you the functionalities of the Website that you have requested.

For example, if you wish to receive the AXPO Newsletter, you will need to provide us with your email. If you ask us for information or you want us to contact you, you must provide us with the necessary contact information for this purpose. If you wish to buy any product or service that AXPO makes available on the Website, you will need to provide us, among others , a postal address to which we can send your order. If you do not provide this personal information, it would be impossible for us to provide our services.

In the forms available on the Website, the fields whose completion is mandatory will be marked with an asterisk (*). If you do not provide all the mandatory data or if we receive any abnormal or incorrect response, we will not be able to respond to your request or provide the corresponding service or functionality.

You guarantee and respond, in any case, the truthfulness, accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided and you agree to keep them duly updated.

To navigate the Website it is not necessary to provide your personal data. However, when you visit our Website or it is credited in it, AXPO collects the following information, automatically and through cookies and / or google analytics, according to the specific configuration of your browser: user, marketer, language and user aliases, data of navigation and activity on the Website. For more information, you can consult section 6 of this Privacy Policy “USE OF COOKIES AND OTHER FOLLOW-UP TECHNOLOGIES.

In general, the personal data you provide to us and that we collect is used to process your requests and transactions, to provide you with a high quality service, to inform you about opportunities that we believe will be of interest to you and to manage your account.

The specific purposes for which we process your personal data are detailed below:

  • To provide you with information requested by you, including product and service budgets. In this case, the legal basis for the processing of your data is your consent.
  • To send you our newsletter / Newsletter with information, promotions, campaigns and news about AXPO products and services and third-party products and services marketed and distributed by AXPO. In this case, the legal basis for the processing of your data is your consent.
  • To process your transactions and payment method, to comply with our legal obligations; In this case, the legal basis for processing is the execution of the agreement between AXPO and you when you participate in the management of your transactions and payments, and / or compliance with legal obligations.
  • To manage your account. This purpose includes the processing of your personal data to establish and renew your account, billing, return of products, keep a record of your purchases, manage loyalty programs, discounts and promotions, carry out investigations and clarification procedures (in this case , the legal basis of the treatment is the fulfillment of the contract between AXPO and you, or when it comes to loyalty programs and surveys, the legitimate interest of AXPO, more specifically your economic interest in offering products and services adapted to your needs);
  • To communicate with you for different purposes related to your transactions, including answering your questions or informing you about products or deliveries, withdrawals or security problems (in this case, the legal basis for processing is the execution of the purchase agreement between AXPO and you (when such communication is necessary to perform the services offered by AXPO), or the legitimate interest of AXPO, more specifically your economic interest in understanding and responding to your needs);
  • To guarantee the security of our Website and information. In this case, the legal basis for the processing of your data is the legitimate interest in providing a secure environment and preventing damage to AXPO systems and user information, as well as unauthorized access and improper use of them. .
  • As regards the purposes of the use of cookies, see section 12 of this Privacy Policy “USE OF COOKIES”. In this case, the legal basis for the processing of your data is your consent.

When the basis of the treatment is consent, you can revoke it at any time by sending a communication to protecciondedatos@axpo.com , accompanying a copy of your ID or document proving your identity, indicating your address for communications purposes and providing the necessary details To process your request. You can always contact us through any of the channels indicated in section 3 of this Privacy Policy.

Keep in mind that receiving commercial information is not essential to maintain the relationship we have with you. If you prefer not to receive commercial communications, you can inform us at any time by the indicated means or unsubscribe from the link provided for this purpose in the commercial communications by email you receive or, if the communications are sent by other means, through the procedure indicated for this purpose. 


To what extent will decision making be automated?

AXPO does not use fully automated decision-making processes to establish, develop or terminate a contractual relationship with you. In the event that we use these processes in a particular case, we will keep you informed and communicate your rights in this regard if prescribed by law.

Will profiling take place?

In order to be able to offer you products and / or services according to your interests and improve your user experience, we will be able to develop a “business profile” based on the information provided. However, automated decisions will not be made based on that profile.

We only use, transfer or share personal data with third parties in the terms described in this Privacy Policy. AXPO does not sell or rent your personal data to third parties and will only communicate them to individuals or entities if we obtain your prior consent or in compliance or in accordance with applicable law when such consent is not necessary for a specific transfer.

We will share or give third parties access to your personal data when doing so is necessary to achieve one of the objectives described below and in accordance with current legislation:

  • Companies of the AXPO Group. Many of the activities and services offered on our websites are companies linked corporately with AXPO, parent company of said Group, on certain occasions access to their personal data will be allowed to these companies for the fulfillment of any of the actions we have said in section 7 of this Privacy Policy.
  • Our providers. AXPO will communicate or allow access to your personal data to companies that provide us services under a contract, when necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes described in section 7 of this Privacy Policy: web platform services, order management and transport, payment processing, distribution of emails, call-center, web positioning services, marketing and organization of promotional campaigns. If any of these service providers need to access your personal data, they use them only to provide us with a service and in accordance with our instructions. We also require you to maintain the confidentiality and security of the data and return or destroy the data when you no longer need it. 
  • Access to Private Zone. For the management of access to the private area of ​​the Website, and to maintain the proper functioning of the services offered to customers, AXPO discloses to the owner all information related to customer account activities: contracting services, charges, payments, shipments ...
  • Legal obligations: AXPO may communicate your personal data when the transfer is authorized by law or is necessary to comply with a legal obligation, including the transfer to the competent authorities, judges and courts.
  • International transfers. Your personal data will not be transferred outside the European Economic Area (hereinafter EEA). If for the fulfillment of the purposes described in this Privacy Policy it is necessary to transfer your personal data to countries where the level of protection may not be the same as that provided in Spain, AXPO will duly inform you and comply with the applicable legal provisions, requesting your consent or offering adequate guarantees, for example, in the international data transfer informed at 10.2.1. section on this document on using of web analytics services.

AXPO adopts the appropriate technical and organizational measures in accordance with current regulations to protect your personal data against any misuse, destruction, loss, accidental or unlawful modification, disclosure or unauthorized access, including those necessary to address any suspected data breach .

The Website has a permissions system, using a username and password, through which only authorized users can access the private area. AXPO will not use at any time that information for any use other than its maintenance, the management of the commercial relationship with you, as well as the provision of the services available therein.

You agree to retain and use the username with due diligence. The use of the password is personal and non-transferable, and the transfer, even temporary, to third parties is not allowed. In this regard, you must adopt the necessary measures for the custody of the password, avoiding the use of the password by third parties. Consequently, you are solely responsible for the use of your password, with full indemnity for AXPO. 

If you have knowledge or suspicion of the use of your password by third parties or that there may be an improper use of personal data or unauthorized access to them, please inform us as soon as possible through any of the channels indicated in section 3 of this Privacy Policy.

AXPO will keep your personal data for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they were collected, as long as you do not exercise your right to delete or revoke your consent.

They will then be eliminated, unless the law requires or allows a longer retention period (for example, for the formulation, exercise or defense of claims), in which case, they will be kept properly locked for the necessary time before proceeding to its elimination

To determine an adequate period of conservation of your data, we apply the following criteria:

  • The data necessary to provide information requested by you, including product and service budgets, will be kept for the time necessary to meet and process such requests, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions and the periods of prescription of actions provided for in the regulations.
  • The data necessary to send you the Newsletter will be processed as long as you do not revoke your consent and communicate your wish not to receive them, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions and the periods of prescription of actions provided for in the regulations.
  • Registration data in our Private Area will be kept for the duration of the contract, as long as access to the private area is not terminated, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions and the periods of prescription of actions provided for in the regulations.
  • The data related to the acquisition of AXPO products and services within the framework of a contractual relationship will be kept for the duration of the service contract, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions and the periods of prescription of actions provided for in the regulations.
  • The data necessary to meet your requests related to AXPO services will be kept for the time necessary to meet and process these requests, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions and the periods of prescription of actions provided for in the regulations.
  • When you have consented to receive commercial communications, they will be kept as long as you do not revoke your consent and communicate your wish not to receive them, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions and the periods of prescription of actions provided for in the regulations.
  • When cookies are installed on your device, the data will be kept in accordance with the applicable legal requirements and recommendations issued by the competent authorities.

In accordance with applicable regulations, you have a series of rights in relation to the collection and processing of your personal data.

These rights are as follows:

  • Right to information: You have the right to be informed in a concise, transparent, intelligible and easily accessible way, with a clear and simple language, about the use and processing of your personal data.
  • Right of access: You have the right to ask us at any time to confirm if we are treating your personal data, to provide access to them and information about your treatment and to obtain a copy of such data. The copy of your personal data that we provide will be free, although the request for additional copies may be subject to a reasonable amount based on administrative costs. For our part, we may ask you to prove your identity or require more information that is necessary to manage your request.
  • Right to rectification: You have the right to request the rectification of inaccurate, outdated or incomplete personal data concerning you. You can also request that personal data that is incomplete be completed, including by means of an additional declaration.
  • Right of deletion: You have the right to request the deletion of your personal data when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. However, this right is not absolute so that AXPO may continue to keep them duly blocked in the cases provided by the applicable regulations.
  • Right to limit the treatment: You have the right to request that we limit the processing of your personal data which means that we may continue to store them, but not continue to treat them if any of the following conditions are met:

- That you challenge the accuracy of the data, for a period that allows the person responsible to verify the accuracy of the data;

- the treatment is illegal and you oppose the deletion of the data and request instead the limitation of its use;

- AXPO no longer needs the data for the purposes of the treatment, but you need it for the formulation, exercise or defense of claims;

- You have opposed the treatment, while verifying if the legitimate reasons of AXPO prevail over yours.

  • Right to data portability: You have the right to have your data transmitted to another data controller in a structured, commonly used and mechanical reading format. This right applies when the processing of your personal data is based on the consent or execution of a contract and said processing is carried out by automated means.
  • Right of opposition: This right allows you to oppose the processing of your personal data, including the elaboration of profiles. We will not be able to attend to your right only when we process your data in the event that we prove compelling legitimate reasons for the treatment or for the formulation, exercise or defense of claims.
  • Right to revoke consent: In cases where we have obtained your consent for the processing of your personal data in relation to certain activities (for example, in order to send you commercial information), you may withdraw it at any time.
  • Right to file a claim with a control authority: You have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, whose data can be found at http://www.agpd.es .

You can exercise your rights by sending us a communication to protecciondedatos@axpo.com accompanying a document proving your identity and providing the necessary details to process your request.  

Among other purposes, cookies and the other technologies enable us to remember your preferences, recognise you on subsequent visits, monitor your browsing, and obtain information on your activity on this website. This is achieved by storing certain information on your computer.

10.1.         Which cookies do we use and why?

10.1.1.   What is a cookie?

A cookie is a device that is downloaded to the terminal equipment of a user with the purpose of storing data that may be updated and retrieved by the entity responsible for its installation.

When you access the Website and give your consent for its installation, small files with information are installed on your device (computer, tablet, phone, etc.). These files (which are the cookies themselves) form part of the technology necessary for the proper functioning of the Website and are not inherently harmful.

Cookies are installed and stored on your device and allow you to track your activity on the Internet.

You can completely disable the use of cookies in your browser settings. You can disable cookies, but the Website or some of its sections may not function properly.

10.1.2.   What type of cookies do we use?

According to the entity that manages them, cookies can be:

-          Own cookies: Cookies sent to the terminal device of the interested party from a device or domain managed by the editor itself and from which it provides the service requested by the user.

-          Third-party cookies: These are the cookies sent to the terminal device of the user from a device or domain that is not managed by the editor, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through cookies.

The Website uses both own and third-party cookies.

10.1.3.   For how long do cookies remain active?

Depending on the time they remain activated:

-          Session cookies: They are a type of cookie designed to collect and store data while the users accesses a web page. They are often used to store information that only needs to be retained for providing the service requested by the user on a single occasion (e.g. a list of purchased products).

-          Persistent cookies: They are type of cookies where the data continues to be stored in the terminal and can be accessed and processed for a defined time by the entity in charge of the cookie, and can range from a few minutes to several years.

The Website uses both persistent and session cookies.




10.1.4.   For what purposes can the cookies from the Web Site be used?

-          Technical cookies: These are cookies that allow the user to browse through a web page, platform or application and the use of different options or services that exist in it such as, for example, to control data traffic and communication, identify the session, access restricted access parts, remember the elements that make up an order, do the process of buying an order, apply for registration or participation in an event, use security elements during browsing, store content for the dissemination of videos or audio or share content via social networks.

-          Personalization cookies: These cookies are those that allow the user to access the service with some general predefined characteristics according to a set of criteria in the user terminal as for example would be the language, the type of browser used to access to the service, the local configuration from where the service is accessed, etc.

-          Analysis cookies: These are cookies that allow their data controller to track and analyse the behaviour of the users of websites they are linked to. The information collected using this type of cookie is used in the measurement of the activity of the website, application or platform and for profiling the browsing the users of these sites, applications and platforms, in order to make improvements based on the analysis of the data of the usage of the service’s users.

-          Advertising cookies: These are the cookies that allow the management, in the most efficient way possible, of the advertising spaces that, in its case, the editor has included in a web page, application or platform from which it provides the requested service based on criteria such as the edited content or the frequency at which the advertisements are displayed.

-          Behavioral advertising cookies: These are the cookies that allow the management,
in the most efficient way possible, of the advertising spaces that, in its case, the editor has included in a web page, application or platform from which it provides the requested service. These cookies store information on user behaviour obtained through continuous monitoring of their browsing habits, allowing to develop a specific profile to display ads based on it.

The Website uses cookies for the purposes mentioned above. The cookies used and information on the reasons why they are used are indicated below:

Cookie declaration last updated on 4/19/21 by Cookiebot

Cookie list


10.2.         What tracking technologies do we use?

In addition to cookies, there are other technologies that allow us to track your navigation and get information about your activity on the Website.

10.2.1.   Web analytics services:

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses "cookies", which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyse how users make use of the same. The information generated by the cookie about your use (including your IP address) will be directly transmitted to and filed by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information to evaluate use of the web page, collecting reports on the activity of the web page and providing other services related to the activity and use of Internet. Google may transmit this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or when these third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data it has. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. To use it, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above. To offer visitors more choices about how their data is collected by Google Analytics, Google developed the Opt-out Browser Add-on: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en. When you install this add-on, the information will not be sent to Google Analytics.

10.2.2.   Log files

Each time you access our website, your Internet browser transmits to us certain usage data for technical reasons that are stored in files, known as protocol log files. These data are the following: the date and time you access our website; name of the web consulted; IP address of your computer or mobile device; the web address from which you have accessed our website; volume of data transferred and name and version of your browser.

Analysis of the log files helps us to improve our internet products and to facilitate their consultation, to seek out and eliminate errors quickly and to check the server's capabilities.

10.2.3.   Social plugins

A plugin or add-in is an application (or computer program) that is related to another to add a new feature and usually very specific.

10.2.4.   Web beacons

Web beacons (web bugs, etc.) are another technology that we use on the Website, as well as in some of our emails and ads.

Web beacons (or “tags”) are fragments of programming code that are included in the Website, emails and advertisements to inform AXPO (or the companies that help us run our operations) that these web pages, emails or advertisements have been seen or clicked.

10.2.5.   Pixels and Gif

The tracking pixel, or transparent or invisible gif, in its different modalities, is normally an image embedded in the website (or the corresponding file) that, when loaded in your system,
provides information on some of your activity (opening a certain website, for example).

10.2.6.   Embedded scripts

Embedded scripts are fragments of programming code that are included in the Website to measure the use of these web pages, such as for example which links are clicked. We use this information to improve the Website and adapt it to your likely interests, as well as for market research.

You can turn off scripting functionality, such as JavaScript, in your browser (please refer to your browser’s help function). Remember that, if you completely disable scripting functions,
it is possible that Adobe websites may not work properly.

10.3.         How can I disable cookies and tracking technologies?

You can change or withdraw your consent for the use of cookies at any time by clicking on Change your consent

You can configure your browser to reject all these technologies. However, it is possible that some features or services of the Website may not function properly without cookies.
Most browsers allow you to disable cookies, so that you may at any time choose which cookies you want to work on this Website by changing the settings on your browser. You can find more information in the settings of your browser. Below, we provide links to the websites of the main browsers:

• Apple Safari *
• Google Chrome *
• Microsoft Internet Explorer *
• Mozilla Firefox *


AXPO may modify the Privacy Policy to adapt it to the modifications that may occur on the Website or in relation to the processing of your personal data. In this case, AXPO will contact you through the usual communication channels and in advance to notify you of the relevant changes and will send you the updated privacy policy.

Updated and previous versions of the Privacy Policy will be available at all times on the Website.